University of Economics – Varna

Digital and Distance Learning Center

The Center is in charge of undergraduate and graduate students’ distance learning. It provides technological and logistical support for real-time electronic communication and remote connection between distance learners and lecturers.

The Center supports the online self-access educational resources system and the university eLearn platform and it offers students educational materials and resources for distance learning programmes and courses.

It liaises with other university departments and offices, and collaborates with similar organisations, for example, the National Distance Learning Center in Sofia.

When you contact us, please include details such as your student number, your degree programme, your year of study, and type of training (full-time or distance learning).

  • Distance learning students share the same curriculum, number of credits, university degree programme and professional qualification as full-time students.
  • Tuition fees also cover access to electronic learning materials for the relevant terms.
  • Distance learners attend e-classes using video conferencing software. This e-training constitutes 20 percent of required classroom attendance for full-time students.
  • The remaining 80 percent of distance learning classes are completed as self-studies, synchronous and asynchronous communication with lecturers, test taking, term paper writing, project work, etc. as per the degree programme syllabus.
  • Undergraduate distance learning students start their first term with an in-person induction day that involves an introduction to the interactive communication technology used on the UE – Varna distance learning platform, and e-resources access training. Graduate distance
    learning students attend an online training session using video conferencing software.
  • Distance learning students take their scheduled exams online off the university premises.

The distance learning process involves the synchronous and asynchronous communication between students and lecturers in different locations, using audio, video, computer and communication technologies.

The University eLearn Platform for Electronic and Distance Learning

Gergana Kasabova

Gergana Kasabova

Gergana Kasabova

eLearn Platform Admin Officer


+359 885616998

[email protected]

Petya Strashimirova

Petya Strashimirova

Petya Strashimirova

eLearn Platform Admin Officer


+359 884907249

[email protected]

Nikita Mamutov

Nikita Mamutov

Nikita Mamutov

eLearn Platform Admin Officer


+359 885614865

[email protected]

Contact us

University Digital and Distance Learning Center

University Digital and Distance Learning Center

University Digital and Distance Learning Center

[email protected]