Centre Innovation and Development (CID) at the University of Economics – Varna (UEV) was established in 2013 with a decision of the Academic Committee of the UEV. The main goal of CID is to support and develop “business – academia” relationship in contemporary fields of knowledge development in the field of economics. The CID staff has a lot of experience and expertise in developing training programmes and projects (including accelerators) aimed at developing innovative and creative skills in various target groups.
The CID main scope of work comprises systematic interdisciplinary research, analyses, consultations and other project activities aimed at business organisations, institutions and public administration. The emphasis of CID efforts is placed on implementation of contemporary research tools and methodologies, incl. ICT, innovative teaching methods, and innovative models for business development. The CID research and consulting priorities are focused on knowledge-based services, chemistry, agribusiness, food industry, hich-tech industries, start-ups, and recreational and creative industries.
CID organises and conducts annual International contest for creative projects “Brand Idea”. A few years ago it was transformed and relaunched as a marketing accelerator to support and develop “business – academia” relationship with a focus mainly at young entrepreneurs. CID participated in several projects aimed at the Black Sea Region development. Its team was engaged in the European pilot research project for developing a common methodology for reference budgets to be applied in the EU member states.