Икономически университет – Варна

Информатика (с преподаване на английски език)

ОКС: Магистър

Форма на обучение:

Брой семестри: 3

Професионална квалификация: Информатика и компютърни науки

Професионално направление: Информатика и компютърни науки

Начална година: 2023

Computer science (англ. ез.), ОКС "магистър"


Professional knowledge and skills

The programme develops knowledge, skills and competences in several areas of Computer science such as:

  1. Development and support of web applications and e-business systems;
  2. Business process modeling and automation.
  3. Data science.
  4. Mobile application development.

Career opportunities

CS graduates have various job opportunities. Jobs directly related to CS degree include:

  • Computer systems analyst;
  • Computer systems administrator;
  • Network designer;
  • Business analyst;
  • Information systems designer;
  • Software developer;
  • Web developer (front end and back end);
  • Database developer;
  • Database administrator;
  • E-business systems developer;
  • E-business systems manager, etc.

Admission 2023 / 2024 - download the information brochure

Programme "Computer science"
Educational and Qualification Degree Master
Professional Field  "Informatics and Computer Science"
Professional Qualification "Informatics and Computer Science"
Study period - 1 / 1,5 years (3 semesters)
Mode of study - Full-time


  1. Basic purpose of the characteristics

The purposes of the qualifications characteristics are as follows:

  • to outline the courses;
  • to describe the professional knowledge, skills and competences;
  • to improve the curriculum and the syllabuses;
  • to describe job opportunities.


  1. Professional knowledge and skills

The programme develops knowledge, skills and competences in several areas of Computer science such as:

  1. Development and support of web applications and e-business systems;
  2. Business process modelling and automation.
  3. Data science.
  4. Mobile application development.


  1. Training in programme “Computer science

The curriculum includes courses such as: Cloud Computing; .NET Web Development; Data Science; Digital Commerce; Server-Side Web Programming, etc.

The programme is available to study full-time. The students complete their studies by writing a master’s thesis or by passing a comprehensive state exam (by choice). Graduates are awarded the title „Master in Computer Science“.

Graduation of students is regulated in the Rules of the Varna University of Economics - https://ue-varna.bg/uploads/filemanager/303/regulations/Pravilnik_UE.pdf).

The students' education ends with passing the state exam. The state exams are conducted in the form of defense of diploma work, complex written and practical exam. Master's degree courses end with a state exam in the specialty or defense of a diploma thesis, the conditions for which are regulated in the Regulations of UE-Varna.

All students who have fulfilled all their curriculum obligations are allowed to take the state exam (Article 119 of the Rules of the Varna University of Economics - https://ue-varna.bg/uploads/filemanager/303/regulations/Pravilnik_UE.pdf). The state sessions are held in three consecutive sessions, immediately after the end of the school year, according to a pre-announced schedule - in the months of June, September and January.

A condition for graduation is the passing of all semester exams and passing the state exam. State examination syllabus, guidelines for the development of the diploma work, documents for admission to the state exam, deadlines for submission of documents, timetable for the state exam are published on the website of the Department of Informatics (https://ue-varna.bg/bg/p/7955/chair-informatics/graduates).


  1. Career opportunities

CS graduates have various job opportunities. Jobs directly related to CS degree include:

  • Computer systems analyst;
  • Computer systems administrator;
  • Network designer;
  • Business analyst;
  • Information systems designer;
  • Software developer;
  • Web developer (front end and back end);
  • Database developer;
  • Database administrator;
  • E-business systems developer;
  • E-business systems manager, etc.


  1. Competence to be acquired by students during their training in programme “Computer science

The students acquire knowledge, skills and competencies (personal and professional) in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework – level 7:


  • possesses a wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge, many of which are specialized in the relevant field, building on what has been achieved in the previous stage of training;
  • possesses highly specialized practical and theoretical knowledge, incl. avant-garde, which form the basis for originality in the development and implementation of new ideas and solutions;


  • possesses a wide range of practical and cognitive skills and approaches necessary to understand abstract problems and develop creative solutions;
  • diagnose and solve problems by building on contemporary research by integrating knowledge from new or interdisciplinary fields, and by demonstrating the ability to generate new knowledge and procedures related to research and innovation;
  • formulate adequate judgment in situations characterized by incomplete or limited information and unpredictability;
  • develop new and diverse skills in response to emerging knowledge and practices;

Competencies – Autonomy and responsibility:

  • ability to establish administrative structures and to manage teams to solve complex problems in an unpredictable environment with a multitude of interacting actors and intermodal opportunities;
  • demonstrate knowledge in operational synergies in managing changes in a complex environment;
  • demonstrate creativity and innovation in the development of projects;
  • initiate processes and organizes activities requiring a high degree of consistency;
  • develop policies and demonstrate leadership qualities for their implementation;

Learning competences:

  • systematically and deeply evaluation of knowledge and identification of needs for new knowledge;
  • demonstrated a high level of autonomy and ability to orient on complex content, using their own methods and approaches to controlling it;
  • use of variety of methods and techniques for utilizing of complex curriculum;
  • knowledge of rich notions and shows skills for conceptual and abstract thinking;

Communication and social competences:

  • ability to present clear and accessible own ideas, formulations of problems and possible solutions to specialized and non-specialized audiences using a wide range of techniques and approaches;
  • development and explosions of justified beliefs about social processes and practices and ability to arguing proposals for their improvement or change;
  • speaking some of the most popular European languages;

Professional competences:

  • collect, process and interpret specific information needed to solve the complex problems in the field of study;
  • integrate a wide range of knowledge and sources of information in a new and relatively unfamiliar context;
  • make reasoned judgments and find solutions in complex environment of diverse interactions;
  • demonstrate ability to adequately conduction and cooperation in business and / or professional sectors;
  • ability to solve problems by integrating complex sources of knowledge in terms of insufficient information available in a new unfamiliar environment;
  • ability to initiate changes and to manage development processes in complex conditions;
  • engagement with important scientific, social and ethical issues arising in the course of work or training.

In accordance with the Recommendation of the Council of the European Union (EU) of 22 May 2018 on the implementation by Member States of a policy supporting the development of key competences for lifelong learning; The National Qualification Framework of the Republic of Bulgaria (NKRB), in which knowledge, skills and competences (including personal and professional) are presented, at University of Economics – Varna, a competence approach is applied in the education of students, aimed at forming the necessary general cultural , professional and personal competencies.

The basis of the application of the competence approach at University of Economics – Varna is the priority orientation of education towards its results: formation of the need on the part of the educated students for continuous development and acquisition of social, cultural and professional competences, self-determination, socialization, personality development and self-improvement.

When studying in the "Computer Sciences" specialty, an opportunity is provided for the balanced development of all key competencies in accordance with the competency model, namely: language literacy; multilingual competence; mathematical competence and competence in the field of exact sciences, technology and engineering; digital competence; personal competence; civil competence; entrepreneurial competence and cultural awareness and expression competence.

The more important key competences acquired by masters who graduated from Computer Science major are:

1. Digital competence – skills for using modern information technologies; creating software applications with different technologies and programming languages; knowledge and skills for administration of databases, computer networks; creating and maintaining web applications; skills for working with technologies in a cloud environment, game development; data processing and analysis;

2. Mathematical competence and competence in the field of exact sciences – knowledge and abilities to design, create and administer network infrastructures; ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking and vision to create correct algorithms for browser scripts; application of algorithmic problem solving skills; skills to create algorithms for different types of applications; skills in applying debugging patterns to software systems development.

3. Personal competence – acquiring skills to solve real problems; skills for organizing one's own work and dealing with conflicts; skills for following the innovations in the IT business, improving acquired knowledge and skills; ability to work in team; ability to conduct constructive dialogues; ability to effectively manage time and information.


Начална година
Изучавани дисциплини Семестър Кредити Форма на контрол Студентска заетост
общо извънаудиторна аудиторна
Бази от данни 10 12 Изпит 360 300 60
Компютърни системи 10 12 Изпит 360 300 60
Въведение в програмирането 10 12 Изпит 360 300 60
Уеб технологии 10 12 Изпит 360 300 60
Въведение в математиката 10 12 Изпит 360 300 60
Общо за Фундаментални 60 1800 1500 300
Компютърни мрежи 11 5 Изпит 150 90 60
Обектно-ориентирано програмиране 11 5 Изпит 150 90 60
Проектиране на информационни системи 12 5 Изпит 150 90 60
Общо за Специални 15 450 270 180
Е-търговия 11 8 Изпит 240 165 75
Е-финанси 11 6 Изпит 180 120 60
Сървърно програмиране 11 8 Изпит 240 165 75
Разработване на уеб приложения с .NET 11 8 Изпит 240 165 75
Магистърски семинар 12 8 Изпит 240 210 30
Наука за данните 12 8 Изпит 240 165 75
Избираеми дисциплини (2) 12 14 Изпит 420 300 120
Общо за Специализиращи 60 1800 1290 510
Избираеми дисциплини (1)
  • Защита на дипломна работа
  • Комплексен държавен изпит по специалността
12 15 Изпит 450 450 0
Общо за Дипломиране 15 450 450 0
Общо за целия курс на обучение 150 4500 3510 990

Факултативни дисциплини Семестър Кредити Студентска заетост
общо извънаудиторна аудиторна
Чужд език-английски 12 3 90 60 30
Чужд език-немски 12 3 90 60 30
Чужд език-френски 12 3 90 60 30
Чужд език-руски 12 3 90 60 30
Чужд език-португалски 12 3 90 60 30
1 Дисциплината се изучава само от чуждестранни студенти