University of Economics – Varna


Under an initiative of the Bulgarian Embassy to Montenegro, representatives of Bulgarian universities were hosted at the University of Montenegro.

Prof. Tandon is a close friend of UE – Varna and the International Relations Office team, who has previously visited the University with the purpose of teaching as a gueast lecturer.

Students and teachers from the Secondary Vocational School in Handlova, Slovakia, visited the University of Economics – Varna to learn more about the opportunities which the University offers to its foreign and exchange students.

Isabel Apel Birtez, who is originally from Florianopolis, Santa Catarina in Brazil, is Founder of ESG Means, a boutique research firm on environmental, social, and governance investment, and Editorial Assistant for the Journal on Policy and Complex System

Spring Term Exam Session

The students who challenged their lecturers come from different countries around the world, including Indonesia, Poland, Armenia, Spain, Germany, Russia, France, Romania.

Representatives of the University of Economics – Varna conducted an Erasmus+ mobility for training at Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir, Turkey this April.

UE – Varna was the only Bulgarian university to take part in the higher education fair in Turkey, which featured over 65 universities from around the world, including universities from the United States, Canada, Malaysia, Great Britain, France ect.

From 7 to 11 April 2022, the first of its kind Erasmus Generation Meeting (EGM) welcomed more than 800 participants for a celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Erasmus+ Programme and a discussion on the future of mobility.

During his stay in Varna, Prof. Tomasz Smal, PhD, had also the opportunity to see the University campus and the city.