University of Economics – Varna

Nearly 40 students from more than 15 countries in and outside Europe will spend this winter semester under the Erasmus+ programme at the University of Economics - Varna.

During the talks, future joint initiatives in which the students of the University of Economics – Varna will participate were discussed.

The British Council in Bulgaria and the Embassy of Great Britain participated online in the International Staff Week, which UE – Varna organized last week.

He presented the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, USA, with a focus on successful models of cooperation with European Universities.

International Relations Office received an invitation to organize a similar event at the University of Economics and Pedagogy in the city of Karshi, Uzbekistan.

The Fourth International Staff Week, organised by the University of Economics – Varna under the Erasmus+ Programme, began yesterday 2023/07/03.

Over 15 Countries from Four Continents will be Represented at the 4th Edition of the Annual Event

Collaboration in faculty and student exchange, scientific and technical data exchange, academic visits and project work

University of Economics – Varna and Universal AI University in Mumbai, India, have been developing their partnership for a number of years. For the third time now, Universal AI University students have had their academic mobility at UE – Varna.

Guests from around 20 Countries will visit UE – Varna in July to Strengthen International Cooperation