University of Economics – Varna

Application deadline: 28 March 2023. Send your CV with photo and motivation letter

Applications are now open for the European Commission's DiscoverEU campaign, which gives 35,000 young people the chance to get a free rail pass to explore Europe. The application deadline is March 29, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.

University of Economics – Varna actively participated in some of the activities for the implementation of the EU-Africa Connect Summer School project, which was carried out within the framework of the "Jean Monet" programme by the University of Lagos – Ni

В тип действие „Изследователски и иновационни дейности“ (RIA) са отворени 8 теми, а в тип действие „Координация в помощ“ (CSA) - 2.

UNV is supporting United Nations partners in their emergency response. There is open call for assignment applications.

Students may retake exams on 20 and 21 Feb 2023

As of 1 January 2023, University of Economics – Varna uses the bank services of UniCredit Bulbank

The development of the entrepreneurial plan for RIM – Varna is based on the idea of "Hybrid experiences at the museum" and is oriented towards turning the museum into a space for communication, exposition, events, art, creativity and science.

The concept of the project follows the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, which aim to stimulate environmental preservation.

Final exams on 7 and 8 Sep 2022