University of Economics – Varna

Gergana Slavova was chosen by the IRO team from the candidates, suggested by Association FOR YOU, to support them with their work over the next year.

As of 1 January 2023, University of Economics – Varna uses the bank services of UniCredit Bulbank

A representative of the Bulgarian – American ‘Fulbright’ Commission visited the University of Economics – Varna for an information session regarding their new scholarship campaign for studies and research in the USA during the 2023/2024 academic year.

Varna Deep Tech Innovation Port was set up at University of Economics – Varna

About 40 young people from 11 European countries will be spending the next academic semester at the University of Economics – Varna as exchange students under the Erasmus+ programme.

The concept of the project follows the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, which aim to stimulate environmental preservation.

Final exams on 7 and 8 Sep 2022

The UE – Varna ranks among the Top 5 Universities in the country to receive funding from the Bulgarian HRDC to conduct Erasmus+ mobilities with countries outside of the European Union (partner countries for 2022 selection procedure).

The Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) announced the new edition of the Mexican Government scholarship competition for foreigners.

"DeelforHost", is a two-year project funded by the EC under Erasmus+ KA2, Cooperation among organisations and institutions in HE, Call 2021.