University of Economics – Varna

2023 - 2025 ERASMUS +, HEADCET "Higher Education pArtnerships for sustainable local Development through Circular Economy and social innovaTion"



Project Title: Higher Education pArtnerships for sustainable local Development through Circular Economy and social innovaTion

Project Acronym: HEADCET

Project ID: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2-101083025

Project Start/End Date: January 1st, 2023 – December 31st, 2025

Project Duration: 36 months

Programme: ERASMUS +

Key activity: Higher Education Collaborative Partnerships

Consortium: The project consortium is composed of 6 Latin American (LA) Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) and 3 European HEIs and a University Center with established experiences on engagement, Circular Economy (CE) and Social Innovations (SI). The consortium is complemented by Fundacion Eurosur that has strong expertise and knowledge on Latin American countries and networking management.

Coordinator: Università Degli Studi Di Firenze (UNIFI), Italy

6 higher education institutions in Latin America: Argentina – Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; Chile – Universidad Andres Bello, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Paraguay – Universidad Nacional de Itapua, Universidad de San Carlos
3 European higher education institutions: University of Florence, Florence, Italy; Interuniversity Research Institute and Center for Postgraduate Studies, Barcelona, Spain; University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria.
University Centers: Center for International Relations (CEI) at the University of Barcelona, Spain; PIN S.c.r.l. – Educational and Scientific Services for the University of Florence, Italy

Foundation Eurosur – Foundation for Cooperation between Latin America and the European Union

HEADCET project is addressed to academic staff, students, businesses (employers and enterprises) connected and working in the area of circular economy, social innovation and sustainable development.

Project webpage:

Last update: 15.05.2023



Main objective of HEADCET project:

HEADCET aims to support Higher Education Institutions of Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile in tackling the challenges of sustainable development by enhancing their relevance for the labor markets and the society at large. The project specifically focuses on Circular Economy and Social Innovation which are strongly interrelated in Latin American Countries and are considered crucial to foster a more sustainable growth and to identify new jobs opportunities.

Additional objectives of the HEADCET project:
  • To strengthen the skills and competencies of Latin-American HEIs on sustainable development and circular economy.
  • To foster university’ engagement through multi-level governance and partnerships for sustainable development and circular economy.
  • To improve the employability of HEI’s graduate students and boost job matching in the field of sustainable development and circular economy.
  • To stimulate regional and international networking cooperation of HEIs and exchange of good practice.

Last update: 16.05.2023



In the process of implementation of HEADCET project partner institutions will develop:
  1. Training Services for University Engagement
  2. Updating curricula on Circular Economy (CE), Social Innovation (SI) and sustainability to make universities offer more compatible with labor market demands.
  3. Development of pilot Offices for sustainable development & circular economy (Oficina Desarrollo sustentable y EC - ODEC). ODEC will be conceived as university centers specialized in offering services of support and counselling on projects of SI and CE. The project will set-up 3 pilot ODECs that will represent a concrete job opportunity for graduates and young researchers.
  4. Implementation of COllaborative Local Labs (COLLs): to directly involve local stakeholders (SMEs, NGOs, public agencies) on initiatives and skills needed in the regional ecosystem of each Latin-American university on CE and SI.
  5. Organization of Career Development Centres (CADEC) for meetings and job-matching between students/graduates and companies around CE competencies and jobs.
  6. Creation and promotion of a regional network on CE and SI, enriched with EU partners, in order to take advantage of the opportunities under the Programme “Regional Coalition on Circular economy in Latin America”.

Last update: 16.05.2023



03.07.2024 - The HEADCET Project team took part in the annual International Staff Training Week at UE-Varna during the period 1-5 July 2024

05.06.2023 - University of Economics - Varna has launched a new project under the ERASMUS+ program: HEADCET Partnerships in higher education for sustainable local development through circular economy and social innovation

Last update: 09.07.2024