University of Economics – Varna

Assoc. Prof. Sabka Pashova, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Sabka Pashova, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Sabka Pashova, PhD

1 - 229а, 3 - 104

+359882 164 689


Директор на Колежа по туризъм - Варна при ИУ-Варна;
Ръководител на Център за качество на стоките и потребителска защита към НИИ при ИУ-Варна

Office hours for students

Wednesday, Office 1 - 229а: 14:00-15:00

Online consultations

Monday, Online room link:, 13:00-14:00

Pending exam dates

16 Oct 2024, Office 1 - 229а: 13:30-14:30

06 Nov 2024, Office 1 - 229а: 13:30-14:30

Subject Year and Programme
Commodities Science - Food, Wine and Tobacco Year 5, КЕС-СНУ
Standardization, Metrology and Qualimetry Year 3, СМД (Full-time)
Customs Regimes and Procedures Year 4, СМД (Full-time)
Safety of Goods * Year 5, КЕС
Safety of Goods * Year 5, КЕС-СНУ
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
09:15 11:00 2-220 Lecture Standardization, Metrology and Qualimetry 16, 17
09:15 11:00 H-205 Seminar Customs Regimes and Procedures 17
11:15 13:00 H-205 Seminar Customs Regimes and Procedures 16
08:15 10:00 304 Lecture Customs Regimes and Procedures 16, 17
2025-02-03 (Monday)
16:15 19:00 232 Lecture Commodities Science - Food, Wine and Tobacco 12
2025-02-08 (Saturday)
10:15 13:00 446 Lecture Commodities Science - Food, Wine and Tobacco 12
2025-02-14 (Friday)
13:30 15:00 2-129 Lecture Commodities Science - Food, Wine and Tobacco 12
Programme Subject Year Group Room Date Hour
Quality and Expert Examination of Commodities Safety of Goods 5 11 1-56 18.01.2025 10:00 - 11:00
Quality and Expert Examination of Commodities- ESM Safety of Goods 5 12 1-56 18.01.2025 10:00 - 11:00
Commodities Science and Customs Activity Standardization, Metrology and Qualimetry 3 16 1-56 22.01.2025 13:00 - 14:00
Commodities Science and Customs Activity Standardization, Metrology and Qualimetry 3 17 1-56 22.01.2025 14:00 - 15:00
Commodities Science and Customs Activity Customs Regimes and Procedures 4 16 1-55 28.01.2025 15:00 - 16:00
Commodities Science and Customs Activity Customs Regimes and Procedures 4 17 1-55 28.01.2025 16:00 - 17:00
Date Hour Room Notes
29.01.2025 14:00 - 15:00 1-58
Date Hour Room Notes
Type Year Publication
Студия 2024
Economics and Computer Science [Икономика и компютърни науки] : [Електронно] научно списание, Varna : Knowledge and Business, 10, 2024, 1, 18-35., ISSN(онлайн) 2367-7791 / Линк
Статия 2023
Coatings, Basel, Switzerland : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 13, 2023, 5, 911., ISSN(онлайн) 2079-6412 / DOI 10.3390/coatings13050911 / Scopus / Web of Science
Статия 2023
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, Varna : Union of Scientists - Varna, 12, 2023, 1, 95-103., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / DOI 10.56065/IJUSV-ESS/2023.12.1.95 / Линк
Доклад 2023
Стокознание - традиции и перспективи : XIV научна конференция с международно участие : Посветена на 75-годишнината от създаването на катедра и специалност „Стокознание”, Варна, 20 октомври 2013 = Commodity Science - Traditions аnd Perspectives : XIV Scientific Conference with International Participation : Celebrating 75th Years Specialty and Department of „Commodity Science”, Varna, 20th October 2023, Варна : Наука и икономика, 2023, 142-148., ISBN(онлайн) 978-954-21-1163-4 / Линк
Статия 2022
Научни трудове. Университет за национално и световно стопанство, София : Изд. комплекс УНСС, Год. 62, 2022, 2, 275-287., ISSN(печатно) 0861-9344, ISSN(онлайн) 2534-8957 / Линк
Статия 2022
Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans [JMAB], Trojan : Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, 25, 2022, 2, 346-367., ISSN(печатно) 1311-0489, ISSN(онлайн) 2367-8364 / Линк
Статия 2022
Известия. Сп. Икономически университет - Варна, Варна : Наука и икономика , 66, 2022, 1, 96-114.
Статия 2022
Известия. Сп. Икономически университет - Варна, Варна : Наука и икономика , 66, 2022, 1, 5-8.
Статия 2021
Quality - Access to Success, Bucharest : Romanian Society for Quality Assurance, 22, 2021, 181, 148 -152., ISSN(печатно) 15822559 / Scopus
Доклад 2021
Качество и контрол на стоките в условията на Covid пандемия : Сборник с доклади от международна научно-практическа конференция, Варна : Наука и икономика , 2021, 251-257.
Overview of all publications