University of Economics – Varna

Chief Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Shivarov, PhD

Chief Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Shivarov, PhD

Chief Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Shivarov, PhD


+359882 164 833

[email protected]


Office hours for students

Tuesday, Office 229г: 18:00-19:00

Online consultations

Wednesday, Online room link:, 17:00-18:00

Subject Year and Programme
Introduction to Trade Year 2, МЕНИДЖ. (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, СА (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, АБ (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, БИЗН.ИК (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, НИИ (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ПИМ (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ДТБ (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ДМПР (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, МАРКЕТ. (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, СМД (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ИБП (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ЛОГИСТ. (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ИК.И Т. (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, СО (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, СФ (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ФИНАНСИ (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ССиЗ (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, МИО (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ТУРИЗЪМ (Full-time)
Introduction to Trade Year 2, ПА (Full-time)
International Business * Year 4, БМ-АЕ (Full-time)
International Economics Year 2, МИО (Full-time)
International Economics Year 5, МБМ-Англ.Ез (Full-time)
Sustainable Production and Consumption * Year 4, МИО (Full-time)
Management of International Business Year 2, МБ-А.ЕЗ (Full-time)
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
10:15 13:00 434 Lecture International Economics 28, 29
13:30 15:00 448 Seminar International Economics 28
15:15 18:00 448 Lecture Management of International Business 27
15:15 17:00 323 Lecture Introduction to Trade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39
17:15 19:00 H-207 Seminar International Economics 30
15:15 17:00 H-209 Lecture International Economics 30
Type Year Publication
Доклад 2024
The Membership of Bulgaria in the European Union: Sixteen Years Later, October 2023, UNWE - Sofia : Vol. 2. Papers Presented in English Language, Sofia : UNWE Publ. Complex, 2, 2024, 313-320., ISSN(печатно) 2815-2727, ISSN(онлайн) 2815-2727 / Линк
Други 2024
Blue Growth: Challenges and Opportunities for the Black Sea : MARBLUE 24 : Book of Abstracts, Constanta : Ovidius University of Constanta, 2024, 57. / Линк
Статия 2023
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, Varna : Union of Scientists - Varna, 12, 2023, 1, 123-131., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / DOI 10.56065/IJUSV-ESS/2023.12.1.123 / Линк
Статия 2023
European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Bucharest : Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 15, 2023, 2, 186-209., ISSN(онлайн) 2067-3795 / DOI 10.24818/ejis.2023.24 / Линк
Статия 2022
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, Varna : Union of Scientists - Varna, 11, 2022, 3, 44-52., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / Линк
Доклад 2022
International Symposium on Marine Litter in the Black Sea: Ecological and Socio-economic Problems, 31 October - 2 November 2022, Trabzon, Turkiye, Trabzon, Turkiye : Karadeniz Technical University, 2022, 52-53., ISBN(онлайн) 978-605-2271-52-0 / Линк
Статия 2021
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, Varna : Union of Scientists - Varna, 10, 2021, 3, 110-121., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / DOI 10.36997/IJUSV-ESS/2021.10.3 / Линк
Доклад 2021
Економіко-екологічні проблеми сучасності у дослідженнях науковців : Міжнародна наукова Інтернет-конференція, 29 Червня 2021, Одеса : Одеський державний екологічний університет, 2021, 51-55., ISBN(онлайн) 978-966-186-154-0 / Линк
Монография 2020
Варна : Наука и икономика, 2020, 210., ISBN(печатно) 978-954-21-1054-5
Доклад 2020
Enterprise in the Global Economy: Challenges of the Current Global Environment, Bologna : Filodiritto, 2020, 116 - 122.
Overview of all publications