University of Economics – Varna

Incoming Students

Dear prospective Erasmus+ students,

Here is the application procedure step by step:

Check the existing agreements between your home university and UE-Varna by contacting your International Relations Office. The person in charge will inform you about the procedure and requirements for becoming an Erasmus+ student.

After the selection procedure, your home university shall nominate you in our online nomination system

The complete set of documents is:

  1. Learning Agreement (check the Guidelines how to fill it in)
  2. Student Application Form 
  3. Four hard-copy passport format (3,5x4,5 cm) photos (NOT  SCANNED)

Please forward the LA and SA via e-mail within the application deadlines and then by regular post together with the photos to:

Slavena Tsoneva
International Relations Office
University of Economics - Varna
77 Knyaz Boris I blvd.
Varna 9002

Once the application procedure is finalized, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance from UE-Varna. You can then proceed with organizing the accommodation for the period of your stay.

ECTS Grade UE-Varna Definition
A 6 Excellent – outstanding performance with only minor errors
B 5 Very good – above average standard but with some errors
C 4 Good – generally sound work with a notable number of errors
D, E 3 Satisfactory – fair but with significant shortcomings
F, FX 2 Fail – considerable further work is required

Erasmus+ students receive a Student Identification Card which provides them with various discounts for swimming pools, fitness halls, museums and clubs, public transportation and others. For the purpose of obtaining a Student ID card, you need to bring a passport photo upon arrival at UE – Varna.

Note: Erasmus+ students can choose subjects either from Bachelor or Master degree programmes regardless of their cycle of education.

Bacherlor's degree - Winter Semester of academic year 2024/2025
Strategic Retail Management Violeta Dimitrova, Michal Stojanov and Desislava Kirova  30/30 6
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Katya Vladova 45/15 6
Corporate Social Responsibility Desislava Serafimova  45/15 6
Business Valuation Ivo Kostov 45/15 6
ERP Systems Julian Vasilev and Miglena Stoyanova 30/30 6
Online Research Methods Petar Petrov 45/15 6
Bulgarian Language Vladimir Dosev 45/15 6
Marketing Communications Todor Dyankov 45/15 6
Cultural Policy Silviya Dimitrova 45/15 6
Events Design and Experience Krassimira Yancheva 45/15 6
Strategic Management Boncho Mitev 45/15 6
Web Technologies Snezhana Salova and Radka Nacheva 30/30 6
Operations Management Stefan Kalpachev  45/15 6
Branding and Strategic Brand Management Vladimir Zhechev and Selvet Niyazieva 45/15 6
Behavioral Economics Kaloyan Kolev 45/15 6
Human Relations Petya Dankova 45/15 6
Innovation Management Tanya Georgieva 45/15 6
International Trade Law Diana Dimitrova 30/30 6
Marketing of Luxury Products Hristina Filipova 30/15 5
Change Management Veselina Maksimova 45/15 6
Management Consulting Maria Stanimirova 30/30 6
Applied Statistics with SPSS Svetlana Todorova 30/15 5
Bachelor's degree - Summer Semester of academic year 2024/2025
Modelling in Economics Rosen Nikolaev and Radan Miryanov 30/30 6
Mathematical Analysis Teodora Zapryanova 30/30 6
Career Development Stefan Kalpachev 30/30 6
Event Management Genka Rafailova 30/15 5
Bulgarian Language Vladimir Dosev 45/15 6
Real Estate Management and Valuation Ivo Kostov 45/15 6
Uncertainty and Desicion Making Svetlana Todorova 30/15 5
Business Growth Management Katya Vladova 45/15 6
Management and Animation in the Entertainment Industry Krassimira Yancheva 45/15 6
Organizational Psychology Petya Dankova 45/15 6
European Context of Bulgarian History and Culture Ivan Rusev and Katina Popova 45/15 6
Management in a Digital World Desislava Serafimova  45/15 6
Financial Regulations and Supervision Nedyalko Valkanov 45/15 6
Intercultural Communication Hristina Filipova 30/15 5
Digital Economics Aleksandar Todorov 30/15 5
International Marketing Planning Bistra Vasileva and Teodora Daneva 30/30 6


Master's degree - Winter Semester of academic year 2024/2025
International Harmonization of Accountancy and Auditing Fanya Filipova 45/15 6
Creative Industry and Business Genka Rafailova 30/15 5
Bulgarian Language Vladimir Dosev 45/15 6
Prevention of Economic Fraud Nedyalko Valkanov 45/15 6
Storytelling Svilen Ivanov 30/30 6
Applied Intelligence Miroslav Kamdzhalov 30/30 6
Conflict Management Petya Angelova 45/15 6
Master's degree - Summer Semester of academic year 2024/2025
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Julian Vasilev and Miglena Stoyanova 30/30 6
Bulgarian Language Vladimir Dosev 45/15 6
Expatriate Management Silvia Dimitrova 45/15 6
Customer Relations Management Todor Dyankov 45/15 6
Talent Management Petar Petrov 45/15 6
Applied Semiotic Analysis of Advertising Svilen Ivanov 30/30 6


Important Note: The courses will take place only if the number of enrolled students is more than 6 (six). In case there are less than 6 students choosing a certain course, teaching will not be provided.


Erasmus+ mobility students can also choose courses within regular programmes delivered in English:

International Business (Bachelor Degree) - more information here

Business and Management (Bachelor Degree) - more information here

International Business and Management (Master Degree) - more information here

Examination: Each semester is followed by an examination period which starts at the end of December and May respectively. Most of the courses offered at UE-Varna include exams. When an exam is not required, evaluation is based on classroom tasks, presentations, projects and tests.

Students who would like to start their studies at UE-Varna in the Winter Semester should submit their application forms by June 20th.

Students who would like to start their studies at UE-Varna in the Summer Semester should submit their application forms by November 15th.


Academic calendar 2024/2025

Winter semester:

September 17th 2024 - December 23rd 2024/January 30th 2025 (depending on their LAs) preceded by obligatory

Welcome Days - 16th - 17th September 2024

Summer semester:

February 20th 2025 - May 30th 2025/June 21st 2025 (depending on their LAs) preceded by  obligatory

Welcome Days - 18th - 19th February 2025

Note: if you choose courses from our regular programs in English, check the official Academic Calendar of the university.

Erasmus+ courses schedule, summer semester  academic 2024/2025 year.

Hour\Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Hall 321 Н-105 321 H-105 Н-205 Н-203 321 Н-105 321 Н-105 321 Н-105 H-201
7:30-8:15     Customer Relations Management
Todor Dyankov
Real Estate Management and Valuation
Ivo Kostov
8:15-9:00   Management in a Digital World
Desislava Serfaimova
9:15-10:00         Management and Animation in the Entertainment Industry
Krasimira Yancheva
  Event Management
Genka Rafailova
  Career Development
Stefan Kalpachev
11:15-12:00   Digital Economics
Aleksandar Todorov
Career Development
Stefan Kalpachev
          Customer Relations Management
(every second week)
Todor Dyankov
13:30-14:15   International Marketing Planning
Teodora Daneva
  Bulgarian Language
Vladimir Dosev
Uncertainty and Decision Making
Svetlana Todorova & Tanka Milkova
    International Marketing Planning
Bistra Vasileva
      Digital Economics
(every second week)
Aleksandar Todorov
15:15-16:00   Organizational Psychology
Petia Dankova
      Intercultural Communication
Hristina Filipova
  Business Growth Management
Katia Vladova
      Geographic Information Systems
Julian Vasilev & Miglena Stoyanova
16:15-17:00 Bulgarian Language
Vladimir Dosev
      Geographic Information Systems
Julian Vasilev & Miglena Stoyanova
17:15-18:00       Management in a Digital World
Desislava Serfaimova



Academic calendar 2025/2026

Winter semester:

September 16th 2025 - January 26th 2026 preceded by obligatory

Welcome Days - 15th - 16th September 2025

Summer semester:

February 18th 2026 - June 22nd 2026 preceded by  obligatory

Welcome Days - 16th - 17th February 2026

You can find more information in our Guidebook for Incoming Students 2025-2026

Online brochure: here

Handbook for incoming guests: here

Useful information in our Fact sheet



Disclaimer to use in all communication materials

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.