University of Economics – Varna


The University of Economics – Varna is always glad to welcome incoming Erasmus+ students. We offer the following accommodation options:


The University of Economics – Varna has dormitories located at a 15-min walking distance from the University campus. The University provides affordable accommodation: single, double or triple rooms with private bathrooms. All students on the Erasmus+ floor have access to a shared kitchen (equipped with a brandly new cooker, refrigerator and microwave) and a laundry room with a washing machine, an iron and a vacuum cleaner. The monthly rent for a bed in a triple room is 110 euro, in a double room - 130 euro, in a single room - 150 euro. A security deposit in the amount of the monthly rent is required one month prior to arrival.

You can apply for a room at the dormitory using the Housing application form in our online system. Please note that we have only a limited room contingent and the rooms will be distributed according to the criteria of the university.

For more information about the dormitories, please contact the International Relations Office:

If you would like to apply to stay at our dormitories during your stay in Varna, please fill in this Housing Application, and send it together with the rest of your application documents.


The cost of renting a fully equipped private apartment (2 bedrooms) near the city center of Varna is between 500 BGN and 600 BGN (250 - 300 EUR) per month, which is usually shared by 2 or 3 students


Located in the city center of Varna and just a 7-min walk away from University of Economics – Varna, Yo-Ho-Hostel is a good temporary housing option while looking for long term accommodation.

The bedrooms are equipped with beds (bedding included), wardrobes and heaters. There is a common room with multimedia and a library, a music studio with a small bar and a football table in the basement, a small restaurant with affordable meals, a garden and an attic for movie nights. The hostel has fully equipped self-catering kitchen with a cooker, microwave oven, refrigerator, pots, pans and 5 shared bathrooms. The hostel offers laundry service.

Booking can be done directly at: Once you contact them, please let them know your status of an Erasmus+ student at University of Economics – Varna. 

For more information:  /


Affordable rent
Bedrooms with desks
24h Reception


Not customized


It will match your individual preferences


More expensive
More difficult to find


The International Relations Office should be notified about the exact date and time of your arrival at least a week in advance so that accommodation can be arranged.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.