University of Economics – Varna

My Erasmus+

Asad-Javed Jatt, Germany                         

 Before coming to Varna I was really confused and needed a lot of time to think about the standards and teaching methods of the University of Economics-Varna but I still wanted to give Bulgaria, especially Varna, a chance to impress me. I really like this city and the University of Economics - Varna is an amazing experience I had. The organisation of UEV is just incredible, the IRO, the professors as well as other staff members. I only spent 4 months there but it felt like home. At this point, I would like to thank this incredible and amazing university from the bottom of my heart. You will stay in my memories forever and hope to see you soon again.



Ivan Lupey, Russia

My name is Ivan. I am 20 years old Erasmus student from Russia.

I remember, when I arrived in Varna I was very impressed by the clean air in Varna, because in my city, Yekaterinburg, the air is very polluted due to the local industrial activities. I really like the local environment in Varna, especially the sea.

The adaptation process in Bulgaria was not so difficult for me. Bulgarian culture is very similar to the culture of Russia. For example, I can see similarities between our cuisines. For example, one of the Bulgarian national food is “Moussaka”, and we have the same in Russia.

I am very happy to be here in Varna because I really wanted to improve my English and other important skills. European Union gives me an opportunity to do this, so I think, I must do everything what is possible while I am here.

In my opinion the University of Economics - Varna is very modern, everything you need for education is there. The learning environment is carefully planned and well-organized. For example, in Russia we are overloaded with a lot of homework, and here I have more time to develop myself and to acquire new skills.

I would like to inspire all students to try this Erasmus opportunity. I want to say that it is not worth feeling afraid to go abroad and live without your friends and family. Because I am sure you will find a lot of new friends from other countries.


Dalibor Šmýd, Czech Republic

My name is Dalibor Smyd. I am 24 years old and I am from the Czech Republic. I come from Brno - the second biggest city in my country.

I have chosen to come to Varna, because I wanted to obtain Erasmus experience in one of the Southeastern European countries. Before coming here, I heard that University of Economics -Varna is one of the best universities in the Balkan region and of course the seacoast of the Black sea was another attractive aspect.

I have never been to Varna or Bulgaria before, so I have to admit that living here is a really new experience for me. I came one month ago. However, my life is so active, which makes me feel I have spent much more time here. Now I am looking forward to the summer and the incoming events.

If someone asks me about my first impression of UE-Varna, I would say that the university itself is quite remarkable. When I saw the university building in real, I was very impressed. I can say – a very nice building, which looks like a museum or an art gallery.

Also, I really like the lecturers of UE-Varna. All of them are experts that is why all the subjects, which I chose, are excellently shaped in a very professional way. The lectures and seminars are very interesting for me, as well. Moreover, the university gave to all Erasmus students the opportunity to study Bulgarian language, which helps us integrate into the local community. Now I have more foreigner friends, including Bulgarian ones. And I think I have made good friendships. We are not just studying together, we are going out and making some trips together.

This Erasmus studies mobility in Varna allowed me to find some new contacts and gain experience in a lot of fields. I believe it can be very helpful for the future. Because of that I would like to end my Erasmus story with a recommendation to everyone. Do not miss the chance to benefit from this amazing opportunity to study abroad. There is nothing to lose, you can only win - a lot of new prospects for your future, for example.


Marie Avanesyan, Armenia

My name is Marie. I am from Armenia and I am 19 years old.

Erasmus has really changed my life, it has given me invaluable experience that I will never forget. For me Erasmus is not just about studying in another country, it is about meeting new people, traveling around, learning new traditions, etc. It is a very good experience not to live with your parents, but with other students, to have different activities with them. It is like a new life for me.

The most important thing why I really love the University of Economics – Varna is the huge difference between my home university in Yerevan and here. Lectures and seminars are very divergent from what we have in Armenia. Studying abroad for a limited period of time as part of an Erasmus exchange showed to me what all this difference means. I made great progress with my level of training and I am really willing to use it in the future.

However, the studying experience wouldn’t have been so pleasurable without the amazing professors at UE-Varna. All of my teachers love their job, they know how to get the students involved, inspire them for doing every task and attending every single lecture, because the subjects were very interesting.

Not only academic staff are well organized. The International Relations office team in collaborations with ESN and Lecti Cultural Center have been taking very good care of all of us. My favorite events are the weekly international evenings. I love them very much. It is very interesting, because in my university we do not have such kind of activities. I am from Yerevan and I am studying in Yerevan. I go to the university and after my classes I go back home. If we have some activities, it is only with our friends.

It was the opportunity of my life. Everybody goes to the university, studies and learns, but being an Erasmus+ program student in Bulgaria made a real difference for me.



See the video of our Erasmus students from India - Jaya Lalwani and Japji Singh

Our Erasmus student Federika Gallus dared to perform Bungee jumping from Asparuhovo Bridge (Varna)!

Nina Raud and Olga Orehhova, the University of Tartu, Narva College, Estonia

On Nov 25, 2016 Nina Raud and Olga Orehhova from the University of Tartu (Narva College), Estonia, visited UE-Varna within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. They held an open lecture in English on the topic Teaching through the use of authentic materials and presented an internet-based education platform and a variety of approaches.

Nina Raud and Olga Orehhova described the main education practices and objectives in the University of Tartu and the Division of Foreign Languages in Narva, showed their background with Moodle and explained how lecturers are trying to modernize the education process. They also invited teachers to participate in the conference “Frontiers in CLIL and ELT”, supported by the USA Embassy, Tallinn, The British Council, Tallinn. The conference will be held on 23-24 March, 2017, in Narva College.

The University of Economics - Varna made a good impression on our guests from Estonia and Nina and Olga said that the city of Varna has a lot to offer and that they can only imagine how lovely it is in the summer with the nearby beaches and the vast Sea Garden. They also expressed their desire to motivate students in their home university to take an active part in “Erasmus+” mobilities.

Krishna Ramamirtham, Dean of Executive Education at UBS, Mumbai, India 

A guest lecturer from Universal Business School, Mumbai, India, visited University of Economics - Varna in the frames of the Erasmus+ programme. Between 21st and 24th March, 2016, Dr. Krishna Ramamirtham delivered lectures about international marketing in front of UE-Varna undergraduate and graduate students. He presented two practical examples of an European company entering the Indian market and an Indian company entering a foreign market. 

Dr. Ramamirtham has a 32-year long successful professional experience in the business field - marketing, sales and corporate strategies in a variety of international companies like of over 32 years Grindwell Norton, Roche, GSL, Nicholas Piramal and others. He has been teaching for 9 years. Currently, Dr. Ramamirtham is Director of Corporate Relations and Dean of Executive Education at UBS, Mumbai, India. He teaches courses like Strategic Management, Marketing Management, Business Ethics, Principles of Management and others. 




Azra Bico, Senior Assistant in the Economics Department, International University of Sarajevo

Upon her visit to University of Economics - Varna, Senior Assistant Azra Bico was hosted by Prof. Denitsa Yordanova and lectured in the field of Project Management for 8 hours. She had the opportunity to meet Dr. Violeta Dimitrova - a professor from the Trade Department at UE-Varna, and Dr. Aleksandar Shivarov - Director of the Centre for International Education at UE-Varna. 

Senior assistant Azra Bico reported that she found her Erasmus+ mobility very useful for enriching one's teaching skills and a great opportunity to compare the universities engaged in the mobility in all aspects. In her own words, "it was an excellent opportunity for networking with colleges from host institutions with the accent on possible future collaborations on research projects."




Tarundeep Anand, Rector and Professor of Universal Business School - Mumbai, India

In April 2016, Prof. Tarundeep Anand, PhD – Rector and co-founder of Universal Business School – Mumbai, India – visited University of Economics – Varna within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme for teaching mobility. Prof. Anand is also the CEO of Thompson Reuters for Southern Asia. He is highly experienced in the field of finance and strategic management.

The International Relations Office together with Assist. Petar Petrov organized a series of lectures delivered by Prof. Anand. The lectures were on various fields as creative thinking, generating business ideas and strategic management. More than 70 guests took part in the lectures many of which were lecturers of UE-Varna as well as students from the Management, Marketing and Finance programmes.

Prof. Anand managed to engage the audience in his lectures and to form a discussion. After his lectures, some of the participants shared the following: 

I was delighted by Prof. Tarundeep Anand’s lecture! I learned new things and I am glad that I had the opportunity to participate! “

The lecture was awesome – compelling and motivating! “

I am highly impressed by Prof. Tarundeep Anand! An extraordinary person and scholar! His lecture was useful and interesting. “

The lectures were very interesting and helpful to my future development. They were delivered in a fun and comprehensible way. “

I would love to visit such lectures again. “

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.