University of Economics – Varna

About 40 young people from 11 European countries will be spending the next academic semester at the University of Economics – Varna as exchange students under the Erasmus+ programme.

The concept of the project follows the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, which aim to stimulate environmental preservation.

Final exams on 7 and 8 Sep 2022

The UE – Varna ranks among the Top 5 Universities in the country to receive funding from the Bulgarian HRDC to conduct Erasmus+ mobilities with countries outside of the European Union (partner countries for 2022 selection procedure).

The Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) announced the new edition of the Mexican Government scholarship competition for foreigners.

"DeelforHost", is a two-year project funded by the EC under Erasmus+ KA2, Cooperation among organisations and institutions in HE, Call 2021.

Discussed the opportunities for inter-institutional agreements between the University and a number of Ukrainian higher education institutions, with the purpose of student and staff mobility and the mutual development of degree programmes.

Dr. Kobal presented to the students various ways to digitally present the business, including choosing a business platform, advice on choosing a domain and email, developing a business and an e-commerce website.

Prof. Tandon is a close friend of UE – Varna and the International Relations Office team, who has previously visited the University with the purpose of teaching as a gueast lecturer.

Students and teachers from the Secondary Vocational School in Handlova, Slovakia, visited the University of Economics – Varna to learn more about the opportunities which the University offers to its foreign and exchange students.