University of Economics – Varna

Assoc. Prof. Evgenia Tonkova, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Evgenia Tonkova, PhD
Office hours for students

Tuesday, Office 515 : 09:30-10:30

Online consultations

Monday, Online room link:, 14:30-15:30

Pending exam dates

22 Oct 2024, Office тестови център: 09:00-10:00

12 Nov 2024, Office тестови център: 09:00-10:00

Subject Year and Programme
Distribution Management Year 3, МАРКЕТ. (Full-time)
Marketing Year 2, МТ-Р.ЕЗ (Full-time)
Product Management Year 3, МАРКЕТ. (Full-time)
Distribution Practices and Solutions Year 5, УПМ (Distance learning)
Distribution Practices and Solutions Year 5, УПМ-СНУ (Distance learning)
Distribution Practices and Solutions Year 6, УПМ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Marketing Research in Logistics Year 3, ЛОГИСТ. (Full-time)
Distribution and Transportation Logistics Year 6, ЛМЕН-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Event Marketing and Advertising Campaigns in Distribution Channels Year 5, РМК (Distance learning)
Event Marketing and Advertising Campaigns in Distribution Channels Year 5, РМК-СНУ (Distance learning)
Event Marketing and Advertising Campaigns in Distribution Channels Year 6, РМК-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
11:15 13:00 2-222 Lecture Product Management 11, 12
11:15 13:00 2-129 Lecture Marketing Research in Logistics 15
10:15 13:00 2-219 Lecture Distribution Management 11, 12
15:15 18:00 H-206 Lecture Marketing 40
2024-10-14 (Monday)
08:15 11:00 Е-2-7 Lecture Distribution and Transportation Logistics 56
15:15 18:00 Е-12 Lecture Event Marketing and Advertising Campaigns in Distribution Channels 26, 27, 60
2024-10-15 (Tuesday)
08:15 11:00 Е-2-1 Seminar Distribution and Transportation Logistics 56
15:15 18:00 Е-8 Lecture Distribution Practices and Solutions 24, 25, 59
2024-10-16 (Wednesday)
10:15 13:00 Е-15 Lecture Event Marketing and Advertising Campaigns in Distribution Channels 26, 27, 60
2024-10-18 (Friday)
08:15 11:00 Е-10 Lecture Distribution Practices and Solutions 24, 25, 59
13:30 16:00 Е-2 Lecture Event Marketing and Advertising Campaigns in Distribution Channels 26, 27, 60
Type Year Publication
Учебно помагало 2023
Варна : Наука и икономика, 2023, 148., ISBN(печатно) 978-954-21-1147-4 / Линк
Доклад 2023
Ремаркетинг на реалността = Remarketing the Reality : Сборник с доклади : Международна научна конференция, посветена на 25 г. от създаването на кат. "Маркетинг" при ИУ - Варна, България, 17 юни 2022, Варна : Наука и икономика, 2023, 786-794., ISBN(печатно) 978-954-21-1134-4 / Линк
Статия 2022
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, Varna : Union of Scientists - Varna, 11, 2022, 2, 13-20., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / Линк
Доклад 2022
XII International Conference on economy, business & society in digitalized environment 2022, University St.Kliment Ohridski , 2022, 395-403., ISBN(печатно) ISBN 978-9989-695-70-4 / Линк
Доклад 2022
INTCESS 2022 - 9th International Conference on Education & Education of Social Sciences, 17-18 January 2022 : Online Conference : Proceedings , Istanbul : International Organization Center of Academic Research, 2022, 60-66.
Учебно помагало 2022
Варна : Наука и икономика, 2022, 90., ISBN(печатно) 978-954-21-1112-2
Монография 2021
Варна : Наука и икономика, 2021, 142.
Доклад 2021
New Challenges of Economic and Business Development – 2021 : Post-Crisis Economy : 13th International Scientific Conference : Proceedings, May 13 - 15, 2021, Riga, Univ.of Latvia, Riga : University of Latvia, 2021, 309-316.
Доклад 2021
Экономическое развитие в XXI веке: тенденции, вызовы и перспективы : IX Mеждународная научно-практическая конференция "Горизонты России" : Cборник научных трудов, Москва, 23 апреля 2021 г. : Ч. 2, Москва : ФГБОУ ВО РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова, 2, 2021, 20-24.
Доклад 2021
New Challenges in Economic and Business Development – 2021: Post-Crisis Economy : The 13th International Scientific Conference : Proceedings, May 14, 2021, Riga, University of Latvia, Riga : University of Latvia. Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, 2021, 309-316., ISBN(печатно) 978-9934-18-689-9
Overview of all publications