University of Economics – Varna

Assoc. Prof. Evgenia Tonkova, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Evgenia Tonkova, PhD
Office hours for students

Tuesday, Office 515 : 09:30-10:30

Online consultations

Monday, Online room link:, 14:30-15:30

Pending exam dates

22 Oct 2024, Office тестови център: 09:00-10:00

12 Nov 2024, Office тестови център: 09:00-10:00

Subject Year and Programme
Distribution Management * Year 3, МАРКЕТ. (Full-time)
Marketing * Year 2, МТ-Р.ЕЗ (Full-time)
Product Management * Year 3, МАРКЕТ. (Full-time)
Marketing Research in Logistics * Year 3, ЛОГИСТ. (Full-time)
Graduate Seminar Year 4, МАРКЕТ. (Full-time)
Trade Logistics and Merchandising Year 5, УПМ (Distance learning)
Trade Logistics and Merchandising Year 5, УПМ-СНУ (Distance learning)
Trade Logistics and Merchandising Year 6, УПМ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Distribution Logistics Year 3, ЛОГИСТ. (Full-time)
Automated Marketing Year 5, МБрМ (Distance learning)
Automated Marketing Year 5, МБрМ-СНУ (Distance learning)
Automated Marketing Year 6, МБрМ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Problem solving for business Year 4, БМ-АЕ (Full-time)
Problem solving for business Year 4, МБ-А.ЕЗ (Full-time)
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
10:15 13:00 2-313 Lecture Distribution Logistics 15
13:30 16:00 2-219 Lecture Problem solving for business 25, 26
10:15 13:00 2-314 Lecture Problem solving for business 2 25, 26
13:30 16:00 2-132 Lecture Graduate Seminar 11, 12
2025-01-31 (Friday)
11:15 13:00 Е-17 Lecture Trade Logistics and Merchandising 24, 25, 59
13:30 16:00 Е-23 Lecture Automated Marketing 28, 29, 61
2025-02-03 (Monday)
11:15 13:00 Е–24 Lecture Trade Logistics and Merchandising 24, 25, 59
13:30 16:00 Е-10 Lecture Automated Marketing 28, 29, 61
2025-02-04 (Tuesday)
08:15 11:00 Е–24 Lecture Trade Logistics and Merchandising 24, 25, 59
2025-02-05 (Wednesday)
11:15 13:00 Е-16 Lecture Trade Logistics and Merchandising 24, 25, 59
Programme Subject Year Group Room Date Hour
Date Hour Room Notes
18.02.2025 10:00 - 12:00 WebStudent
18.02.2025 13:00 - 14:00 1-56
19.02.2025 10:00 - 12:00 WebStudent
19.02.2025 13:00 - 14:00 1-56
Date Hour Room Notes