University of Economics – Varna

Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation

Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Economics – Varna


 Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation
"Agribusiness and Rural Areas - Economy, Innovation and Growth"

on the occasion of its 35th anniversary

June 13-14, 2025 // 10:00 AM // Hall 1 or remotely

We are celebrating 35 years with a significant scientific event.

We are pleased to invite you to a conference on "Agribusiness and Rural Areas – Economics, Innovations, and Growth," organized to honor this milestone. This event will bring together leading scholars and practitioners, including representatives from research institutes, universities, the business sector, government, and non-governmental organizations, all engaged in agricultural business.

What opportunities does the conference offer?

Participation in multi-format panels for presentation, discussion, and sharing of experience and expertise in the field of agribusiness. Interactive sessions for exchanging best practices and management strategies that enhance professional experience. Specialized discussions focused on the latest business initiatives and practices in rural areas that contribute to the innovative development of the agricultural sector. This conference is a great opportunity for academic enrichment and professional development, as well as for building valuable professional contacts. We encourage all interested students, scholars, and practitioners to participate and contribute to the debates that shape the future of agribusiness.


  • Sustainable growth of agribusiness;
  • Innovations and competitiveness in agribusiness;
  • Integrated development of rural areas;
  • European and national agricultural policies;
  • Green economy;
  • Cooperative business models;
  • Agricultural economics education and its practical application.



  • 90 BGN for authors
  • 50 BGN for co-authors
  • 50 BGN for PhD students
  • 45 EUR for international participants (authors)
  • 25 EUR for international co-authors
  • 50 BGN for a second paper
  • 25 EUR for international participants with a second paper The participation fee includes a conference materials package, paper publication, coffee breaks, and dinner.


  • Unicredit Bulbank AD
  • Account Holder: University of Economics – Varna
  • IBAN: BG59UNCR70003125161789 (in BGN)
  • IBAN: BG87UNCR70003425163758 (in EUR)

Reason for Payment: Participation in the Department of Agricultural Economics conference; name of participant (if an invoice is required for the participant, the fee must be transferred by a legal entity).

Bank transfer fees are the responsibility of the participant(s). A scanned copy of the payment document, certifying the transfer of the fee, should be sent to the conference email: [email protected]


You can download the paper template here.

WORKING LANGUAGES: Bulgarian, English Participants can submit up to two papers, either individually or in co-authorship.


  • Length of the paper: no more than 8 pages (A4), including figures, charts, tables, and references.
  • Margin size: 2.5 cm on all sides of the page.
  • Pages should not be numbered and must not have footnotes.
  • Papers must be written in .doc or .docx format (MS Office Word 97-2003 or higher).
  • The file name should bear the author's name (Example: firstname_lastname.doc).
  • Text formatting:
    • Title: uppercase, bold, centered (center) Times New Roman – Size 12; Author's name(s) one blank line below the title, Sentence case, Times New Roman – Size 12;
    • Title in English: uppercase and bold, Times New Roman – Size 12; Author's name(s) in Latin script one blank line below the title, Sentence case, Times New Roman – Size 12;
    • University / Institute / Organization: Sentence case, centered (center) Times New Roman – Size 12;
    • Summary in Bulgarian: up to ten lines one blank line below the author’s name in English – Size 10, justified;
    • Keywords in Bulgarian: Size 10, justified;
    • Abstract in English: up to ten lines one blank line below the author’s name in English – Size 10, justified;
    • Keywords in English: Size 10, justified;
    • JEL code: available at
    • Tables and Figures: inserted in the text with table titles above the table, italic, right-aligned; figure titles below the figure, italic, centered. Tables, figures, and other graphic elements should be inserted and editable under Microsoft Office.
    • Main text: Times New Roman; Size – 12 pt with Paragraph spacing – 1.5 lines and no additional space before or after paragraphs (0 points); justified; indent at the beginning of each new paragraph – 1.25 cm (First line);
    • Citation: (only in the main text, no citation in footnotes) – APA style, Times New Roman; Size – 12 pt with Paragraph spacing – 1.5 lines and no additional space before or after paragraphs (0 points); justified;
    • Bibliography/References: APA style, Times New Roman; Size – 12 pt with Paragraph spacing – 1.5 lines and no additional space before or after paragraphs (0 points); justified;
    • File name: author’s first and last name separated by an underscore. Example: John_Smith.doc or Ivan_Ivanov.docx.

Papers that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted.

Papers must be uploaded to the platform before the deadline.

The scientific papers will be published in a collection of papers in electronic format, published by the publishing house "Science and Economics" and indexed in RePec, CEEOL, and included in the National Reference List of Contemporary Bulgarian peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Organizing Committee:

  • Prof. Dr. Teodorina Turlakova - Chair of the Organizing Committee
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Stanimirova
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gergana Slavova
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tanya Georgieva
  • Chief Assist. Dr. Damyan Kirechev
  • Chief Assist. Dr. Radmil Nikolov
  • Chief Assist. Dr. Pavlina Ivanova
  • PhD Candidate Plamen Penev
  • PhD Candidate Yordan Georgiev
Address for correspondence:
Bulgaria, Varna 9002, 
Varna Blvd. "Knyaz Boris I" № 77
University of Economics - Varna
Department of Agricultural Economics
Address for submission of conference materials:
e-mail: [email protected]
Event Coordinator:
Chief Assist. Prof. Damyan Kirechev, PhD
Tel. +359 882 164 607, +359 899 825 519
e-mail: [email protected]