University of Economics – Varna

Electronic full text databases

Ebsco host

Business Source Complete,This is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition to the searchable cited references provided for more than 1,200 journals, Business Source Complete contains detailed author profiles for the 25,000 most-cited authors in the database. Journal ranking studies reveal that Business Source Complete is the overwhelmingly superior database for full text journals in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Additional full text, non-journal content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.

Video Tutorial

Note: Remote access is possible after creating a personal account with an institutional email. The registration has to be made using the University computers or the University’s Wi-Fi.

Ebsco host

JSTOR archival journal collections include more than two thousand journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. JSTOR offers 19 discipline-specific collections for institutions with a specialized research focus.

The service explores a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform. It collaborates with the academic community to help libraries connect students and faculty to vital content while lowering costs and increasing shelf space, provide independent researchers with free and low-cost access to scholarship, and help publishers reach new audiences and preserve their content for future generations. Varna University of Economics subscribes to one of the platform’s Business collections. Titles from the collection include leading journals in economics, finance, marketing, management, business administration, industrial relations, and more.

JStor User Guide

Emerald - Business, Management and Strategy e-journal collection

Business, Management and Strategy e-journal collection

The goal of Business, Management & Strategy eJournal Collection is simple – to share real-life business scenarios, and the lessons the companies involved have learned along the way.

Article submissions are closely mapped against research trends to ensure published content reflects areas of current or rapidly emerging interest. And, with no embargoes, you are always guaranteed immediate access to the latest research. All articles are hosted on our Emerald Insight platform, which has been custom designed to ensure you can find and access the content you need on any device.

The topics:

  • Business ethics
  • Competitiveness
  • Conflict management
  • Cross cultural management
  • Emerging economies
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Family businesses
  • Gender issues
  • Innovation
  • International business
  • Law and management
  • Management history
  • Project management
  • Retail businesses
  • Service management
  • Social and global responsibility







Emerald User Guide

Video Tutorial

Science Direct

ScienceDirect  is Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. Millions of publications from full-text journal articles to authoritative books. Elsevier’s stringent publishing standards guarantee quality publications. Journals are guided by eminent editorial boards and articles are rigorously peer-reviewed. ScienceDirect features sophisticated search and retrieval tools that make it easy to discover more relevant journal articles and book chapters.

Thousands of Elsevier journals, articles and book chapters are available on ScienceDirect as open access.

ScienceDirect User Guide

Note: Remote access is possible after creating a personal account with an institutional email. The registration has to be made using the University computers or the University’s Wi-Fi.

Science Direct

The World Bank eLibrary is a subscription-based website for institutions, dedicated to offering researchers quick and easy access to the complete collection of World Bank publications since the 1990s. Built on a state-of-the-art platform, the World Bank eLibrary also offers a variety of added-value functionality to take users to the content they need as efficiently as possible.

Content in the eLibrary is carefully curated to meet the highest academic and editorial standards. It offers a variety of tools and enhanced functionality, saving users valuable time. Special features and conveniences include personalization, citation support, MARC records for cataloging, and indexing in the major library discovery products.

Collections Open Knowledge Repository

eLibrary User Guide

Science Direct

Електронна библиотека на Международния валутен фонд (IMF eLibrary) - предоставя анализи и изследвания, достъп до периодичните издания, книгите, работни документи и проучвания, данни и статистически инструменти на Международния валутен фонд. Ще намерите информация за макроикономиката, глобализацията, развитието, търговията и помощта, техническата помощ, демографията, развиващите се пазари, политическите съвети, намаляването на бедността и много други.

Международният валутен фонд има дългогодишен ангажимент да произвежда ценно съдържание за глобалната икономика и да предоставя безплатен достъп до това съдържание, правейки го широко достъпно - понастоящем в базата има над 21 000 пълнотекстови онлайн публикации.


Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in   the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.

Both the data quality and comprehensive coverage Scopus provides, continue to make Scopus the selected database provider for research assessment and evaluation purposes by leading ranking organizations.

Scopus User Guide


Note: Remote access is possible after creating a personal account with an institutional email. The registration has to be made using the University computers or the University’s Wi-Fi.

Web of Science

Web of Science is a platform with unrivalled breadth of world-class research literature linked to a rigorously selected core of journals, books and conference proceedings. New information is discovered through meticulously captured metadata and citation connections.

The Web of Science platform connects the Web of Science Core Collection to regional citation indexes, patent data, specialized subject indexes, and an index of research data sets, totaling over 33,000 journals, meaning the user has the breadth to be truly comprehensive in his search.

The platform is truly multidisciplinary. In addition to the deepest citation coverage of the sciences, the Web of Science Core Collection also provides deep coverage and comprehensive indexing of the journals, books, and proceedings in the Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities.

Web of Science User Guide

Note: Remote access is possible after creating a personal account with an institutional email. The registration has to be made using the University computers or the University’s Wi-Fi.


Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research:

  • Automatically generate bibliographies
  • Collaborate easily with other researchers online
  • Easily import papers from other research software
  • Find relevant papers based on what you're reading
  • Access your papers from anywhere online
  • Read papers on the go, with our iOS and Android apps

Video Tutorial


Open Access eBooks

More than 2,500 Open Access ebooks are now available at no cost to libraries or users. These titles reflect JSTOR’s high standards for quality content and are freely available for anyone in the world to use. Users won’t need to register or log in, and there are no DRM restrictions or limits on chapter PDF downloads or printing. The ebooks are also preserved in Portico, ensuring that they will be available to researchers in perpetuity.

Open Access eBooks

EBSCO предлага библиографско и пълнотекстово съдържание от водещи научни икономически списания от 1886 г. до наши дни. През базата са достъпни повече от един милион висококачествени заглавия на електронни книги и 100 000 аудиокниги от над 1500 основни академични издателства от цял свят. Застъпени са всички бизнес дисциплини като финанси, счетоводство, маркетинг, мениджмънт и управленски информационни системи.

Икономически университет - Варна има платен достъп до колекциите Accounting and Finance‘2018, Business‘2017, Business‘2018, Economics‘2018 – 174 заглавия в пълен текст.

Open Access eBooks

SpringerLink е научна мултидисциплинарна база, която включва списания, книги, справочници, серийни издания. Базата представя публикациите на издателство за научна литература със 175 годишна история. Част от документите са на свободен достъп. Над 10 милиона публикации са разкрити в пълен текст в следните области: Бизнес и мениджмънт; Икономикс; Компютърни науки; Образование и езици; Енергия; Околна среда; Наука за храните; Математика; Право; Философия; Статистика и др.

Икономически университет - Варна има платен достъп до колекцията Springer Nature E-books Copy Right Year 2018 – Economics and Finance – 505 заглавия в пълен текст.

Open Access eBooks

Emerald е водещ англоезичен издател на академична и професионална литература във всички области на мениджмънта с потенциална читателска аудитория над 20 милиона души.

Икономически университет - Варна има платен достъп до колекцията Emerald - E-books Business, Management and Economics – 170 заглавия в пълен текст.


Britanica Academic

Britannica Academic delivers fast and easy access to high-quality, comprehensive information. The rich combination of the venerable Encyclopædia Britannica plus Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, magazines and periodicals, and many other research tools provides the variety of reliable sources. Written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors, and other notable experts, Britannica Academic’s articles provide trusted information with balanced, global perspectives and insights.

It hosts over 100 000 articles and unique features like “Article history”, “World Data Analyst”, news feeds from the New York Times and the BBC; editor-selected Web sites; an interactive world atlas; and famous quotations. Biography, subject, and contributor browses; e-books and primary sources; thousands of periodicals. thousands of photographs, videos, tables, graphs, and illustrations.

Video Tutorial

Encyclopaedia Britannica User Guide


Passport is a global market research database providing insight on industries, economies and consumers worldwide, helping clients analyse market context and identify future trends impacting businesses globally. Provides access to more than 115 million internationally standardised statistics.

Offers an unbiased view of industry sectors, country markets and companies using research from  analysts around the world, leveraging their knowledge of the local market, fluency in the local language and access to the best research sources. Provides access to timely data and analysis on consumer lifestyles, population trends and socioeconomic analysis for every country and consumer type.

The interactive dashboards visually explore category, company and channel data for an industry or dive deeper into consumer trends using the database economic, socioeconomic and demographic data.

Video Tutorial

Passport User Guide

Note: An institutional email address is required to create a personal profile in the database.