University of Economics – Varna

Registration and Reader’s Card

For all tutors, service employees and PhD students, the registration at the library takes place after authorized acceptance of their application is issued.

Newly admitted students register at the library's lending service (5th floor) after presenting their student ID and proof of fee payment.

The fee for a library card is BGN 5 and is payable at the Bursary (2nd floor, 231). The issued reader’s card allows access to the library’s services (entrance to the reading room, copying services, borrowing and returning literature) and is valid until the end of the reader’s academic commitments.

Re-issue of a library card (in case of loss, destruction, etc.) is made upon payment of a fee of BGN 8 at the Bursary.

The reader’s registration runs actively and the profile is updated when changes apply to the reader’s: address, course or faculty number.

All external readers can use the library after presenting proof of identification and a payment receipt issued by the Bursary. The fees are the following: BGN 10 daily fee; BGN 20 weekly fee and BGN 40 monthly fee.

For students and individuals with disabilities: BGN 5 daily fee, BGN 10 weekly fee and BGN 20 monthly fee.

Upon graduating, the reader must present their student ID and reader’s card for removal from the system.