University of Economics – Varna

UE-Varna' team participated in a closing event within the international project DEELforHOST, financed under the ERASMUS + program

Between August 6-8, 2024, in the city of Paphos, Cyprus, a closing event was held under project 2021-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000032159 "Digital Employer Engagement and Learning for Hospitality and Tourism under Pandemic and Other Crisis Situations", DEELforHOST funded under the ERASMUS + program Key activity: Partnerships for cooperation in higher education, strand "Higher education", horizontal priority "Addressing digital transformation by developing digital readiness, resilience and capacity".

The event was hosted by the University of Piraeus Research Center in Greece, the leading partner of the project, all partner organizations were represented, namely University of Economics - Varna, Cuprus University of Technology, Universitat de les IIles Balears in Spain, University of Cyprus in Cyprus, Vidzemes Turisma Asociacija, in Latvia as well as the European Association of Erasmus Coordinators in Cyprus.

Within the framework of the event, which as a format takes place in the final phase of the project implementation, the remaining tasks for all partners were discussed, incl. Regarding the upcoming financial and technical reports.

As a result of the implementation of the project, an innovative platform was created - a modern information and communication tool that improved the interaction between higher education institutions and employers in the hotel and tourism industries.

You can familiarize yourself with the platform and its functionalities in the demo video here.

26 Aug 2024

