University of Economics – Varna

Assoc. Prof. Desislava Serafimova, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Desislava Serafimova, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Desislava Serafimova, PhD




Office hours

Wednesday, Office 229-в: 13:30-15:30

Office hours for students

Tuesday, Office 229-в: 14:00-15:00

Online consultations

Thursday, Online room link:, 14:00-15:00

Pending exam dates

30 Oct 2024, Office Н-211: 12:00-13:00

27 Nov 2024, Office Н-211: 12:00-13:00

Subject Year and Programme
Management Year 1, СО (Distance learning)
Management Year 1, ФИНАНСИ (Distance learning)
Management Year 1, ИК.И Т. (Distance learning)
Management Year 1, ИБП (Distance learning)
Management Year 1, ТУРИЗЪМ (Distance learning)
Management and Marketing Year 5, СПНС-ДНДО
Management and Marketing Year 5, УП-ДНДО
Management and Marketing Year 5, КЕС-ДНДО
Management and Marketing Year 5, М Обр. - ДН
Management and Marketing Year 5, МТБ-ДНДО
Management and Marketing Year 5, МТБ-СПН
Management and Marketing Year 5, БМ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Management and Marketing Year 5, ФИ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Management and Marketing Year 5, КБУ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Management and Marketing Year 5, ЛМЕН-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Management and Marketing Year 5, АБ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Management and Marketing Year 5, УПМ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Management and Marketing Year 5, РМК-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Management and Marketing Year 5, МБрМ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Master Degree Seminar Year 5, МЧР (Full-time)
Master Degree Seminar Year 5, МЧР-СНУ (Full-time)
Master Degree Seminar Year 6, МЧР-ДНДО (Full-time)
Social Responsibility of Business Year 6, МЧР-ДНДО (Full-time)
Business Models for Digital Transformation Year 3, МЕНИДЖ. (Full-time)
Year 5, МЧР (Full-time)
Year 5, МЧР-СНУ (Full-time)
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
08:15 11:00 2-319 Lecture Social Responsibility of Business 1, 2, 42
11:15 13:00 2-219 Lecture Business Models for Digital Transformation 1, 2
10:15 13:00 H-211 Lecture Master Degree Seminar 1 1, 2, 42
10:15 13:00 H-211 Seminar Master Degree Seminar 2 1, 2, 42
10:15 13:00 2-229 Seminar Social Responsibility of Business 1, 2, 42
2025-02-03 (Monday)
09:15 11:00 Е-1 Lecture Management 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49
2025-02-04 (Tuesday)
10:15 13:00 Е-10 Lecture Management and Marketing 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
2025-02-05 (Wednesday)
10:15 13:00 Е-1 Lecture Management 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49
2025-02-06 (Thursday)
10:15 13:00 Е-Н210 Seminar Management and Marketing 72, 73, 74, 75
2025-02-07 (Friday)
11:15 13:00 Е-1 Lecture Management 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49
2025-02-10 (Monday)
15:15 17:00 Е-1 Lecture Management 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49
2025-02-11 (Tuesday)
15:15 18:00 Е-29 Seminar Management and Marketing 68, 69, 70, 71
2025-01-31 (Friday)
13:30 16:00 223 Lecture Management and Marketing 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
2025-02-03 (Monday)
11:15 13:00 221 Lecture Management and Marketing 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
2025-02-04 (Tuesday)
13:30 16:00 222 Lecture Management and Marketing 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
2025-02-10 (Monday)
13:30 15:00 223 Seminar Management and Marketing 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
2025-02-12 (Wednesday)
08:15 11:00 223 Seminar Management and Marketing 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
2025-02-15 (Saturday)
09:15 11:00 53 Seminar Management and Marketing 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
Programme Subject Year Group Room Date Hour
Human Resources Management-OSOA Social Responsibility of Business 6 42 1-304 08.01.2025 11:00 - 13:00
Human Resources Management 5 1 1-304 08.01.2025 11:00 - 13:00
Human Resources Management- ESM 5 2 1-304 08.01.2025 11:00 - 13:00
Management Business Models for Digital Transformation 3 1 1-56 27.01.2025 11:00 - 12:00
Management Business Models for Digital Transformation 3 2 1-56 27.01.2025 12:00 - 13:00
Date Hour Room Notes
Date Hour Room Notes
Type Year Publication
Доклад 2024
TheIIER [International Institute of Engineers and Researchers] International Conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 8-9 April 2024 : Proceedings, Bhubaneswar, India: Institute for Technology and Research (ITRESEARCH), 2024, 1-5., ISBN(онлайн) 978-93-90150-32-8 / Линк
Доклад 2023
SOCIOINT 2023 - 10th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 June 2023 : Abstracts & Proceedings, Istanbul : Ocerint Publ., 2023, 19-28., ISBN(онлайн) 978-605-72065-2-7 / DOI 10.46529/socioint.202303
Статия 2023
European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Bucharest : Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 15, 2023, 1(6), 1-15., ISSN(онлайн) 2067-3795 / DOI 10.24818/ejis.2023.01 / Scopus
Статия 2023
Journal of Development Studies, Institute for Development Studies, Tbilisi, 4, 2023, 1 (4), 27 - 37., ISSN(печатно) 2667-9922, ISSN(онлайн) 2720-8672 / DOI 10.52340/jds.2023.04.04.03 / Линк
Статия 2023
Стратегии на образователната и научната политика, София : Аз Буки, 31, 2023, 1, 61-72., ISSN(печатно) 1310-0270, ISSN(онлайн) 1314-8575 / DOI 10.53656/str2023-1-3-gen / Web of Science
Статия 2022
Knowledge and Performance Management, Sumy, Ukraine : LLC Consulting Publ. Co. Business Perspectives, 6, 2022, 1, 100-113., ISSN(печатно) 2543-5507, ISSN(онлайн) 2616-3829 / DOI 10.21511/kpm.06(1).2022.09 / Scopus / Линк
Доклад 2022
Education, Research and Business Technologies. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer Nature Singapore,, 276, 2022, 347–359. / Scopus
Доклад 2022
Business Management, Education, Economics & Law (BMEEL-22) : 25th ROME International Conference, 3 - 5 May 2022, Rome : ICEEBM, 2022, 24-29., ISBN(печатно) 978-989-9121-03-4 / DOI
Доклад 2022
New Trends and Best Practices in Socioeconomic Research : V International Science Conference SER 2022, September 12 th-14 th, 2022, Igalo (Herceg Novi), Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro : Economic Laboratory for Transition Research, 2022, 47-48., ISBN(онлайн) 978-9940-673-18-5 / Линк
Статия 2021
Известия Сп. Икономически университет - Варна, Варна : Наука и икономика, 65 , 2021, 1, 9-27.
Overview of all publications