University of Economics – Varna

Assoc. Prof. Tanya Georgieva, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Tanya Georgieva, PhD
Office hours for students

Wednesday, Office 519: 17:15-18:15

Online consultations

Monday, Online room link:, 07:30-08:30

Pending exam dates

13 Nov 2024, Office 519: 17:15-18:15

04 Dec 2024, Office 519: 17:15-18:15

Subject Year and Programme
Innovation Management Year 3, БИЗН.ИК (Full-time)
Innovation Management Year 4, ПИМ (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, МЕНИДЖ. (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, СА (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, АБ (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, БИЗН.ИК (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, НИИ (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ПИМ (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ДТБ (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ДМПР (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, МАРКЕТ. (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, СМД (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ИБП (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ЛОГИСТ. (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ИК.И Т. (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, СО (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, СФ (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ФИНАНСИ (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ССиЗ (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, МИО (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ТУРИЗЪМ (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ПА (Full-time)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, СО (Distance learning)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ФИНАНСИ (Distance learning)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ИК.И Т. (Distance learning)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, НИИ (Distance learning)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ИБП (Distance learning)
Innovation and Patents Year 2, ТУРИЗЪМ (Distance learning)
Diagnostics in Agribusiness Year 4, АБ (Full-time)
Innovations in Agribusiness Year 4, АБ (Full-time)
Social Capital and Social Policy in Agribusiness Year 5, АБ-СНУ (Distance learning)
Social Capital and Social Policy in Agribusiness Year 6, АБ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
09:15 11:00 310 Seminar Innovation and Patents 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17
13:30 16:00 127Г Seminar Diagnostics in Agribusiness 4
07:30 10:00 2-220 Seminar Innovations in Agribusiness 4
13:30 15:00 303 Seminar Innovation and Patents 3, 6, 7, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 39
10:15 13:00 2-226 Seminar Innovation Management 7
13:30 16:00 2-226 Lecture Diagnostics in Agribusiness 4
09:15 11:00 303 Seminar Innovation and Patents 4, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
11:15 13:00 310 Seminar Innovation and Patents 1, 2, 5, 8, 15
13:30 15:00 304 Seminar Innovation Management 5
10:15 13:00 2-318 Lecture Innovations in Agribusiness 4
13:30 16:00 2-318 Lecture Diagnostics in Agribusiness 1 4
2025-01-31 (Friday)
08:15 11:00 Е-7 Lecture Social Capital and Social Policy in Agribusiness 23, 57
2025-02-03 (Monday)
10:15 13:00 Е-28 Lecture Social Capital and Social Policy in Agribusiness 23, 57
2025-02-04 (Tuesday)
13:30 16:00 Е-28 Seminar Social Capital and Social Policy in Agribusiness 23, 57
2025-02-05 (Wednesday)
08:15 11:00 Е-17 Seminar Social Capital and Social Policy in Agribusiness 23, 57
11:15 13:00 Е-2 Seminar Innovation and Patents 41, 42
13:30 15:00 Е-2 Seminar Innovation and Patents 45, 46
2025-02-06 (Thursday)
15:15 17:00 Е-5 Seminar Innovation and Patents 43, 44
2025-02-07 (Friday)
15:15 17:00 Е-3 Seminar Innovation and Patents 45, 46
2025-02-11 (Tuesday)
09:15 11:00 Е-11 Seminar Innovation and Patents 43, 44
11:15 13:00 Е-15 Seminar Innovation and Patents 41, 42
2025-02-12 (Wednesday)
09:15 11:00 Е-21 Seminar Innovation and Patents 41, 42
11:15 13:00 Е-5 Seminar Innovation and Patents 43, 44
15:15 17:00 Е-6 Seminar Innovation and Patents 45, 46
Type Year Publication
Доклад 2024
Green Deal Initiatives, Sustainable Management, Market Demands, and New Production Perspectives in the Forestry-Based Sector : 17th International Scientific Conference WoodEMA, Sofia, May 15th-17th, 2024 : Proceedings of Scientific Papers, WoodEMA, Zagreb, Croatia , 1, 2024, 1, 69-74., ISBN(онлайн) 978-953-8446-02-3 / Линк
Доклад 2024
Green Deal Initiatives, Sustainable Management, Market Demands, and New Production Perspectives in the Forestry-Based Sector : 17th International Scientific Conference WoodEMA, Sofia, May 15-17 2024, Zagreb, Croatia : WoodEMA, 1, 2024, 1, 69-74., ISBN(онлайн) 978-953-8446-02-3 / Scopus / Линк
Статия 2023
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, Varna : Union of Scientists - Varna, 12, 2023, 2, 67-78., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / DOI 10.56065/IJUSV-ESS/2023.12.2.67 / Линк
Доклад 2023
Current Trends and Challenges for Forest-Based Sector: Carbon Neutrality and Bioeconomy : 16th International Scientific Conference WoodEMA 2023, June 14th-16th, Prague, Czech Republic : Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic : WoodEMA, 2023, 155-159., ISSN(онлайн) 978-953-8446-01-6 / Scopus / Линк
Доклад 2023
Current Trends and Challenges for Forest-Based Sector: Carbon Neutrality and Bioeconomy : 16th International Scientific Conference WoodEMA 2023, June 14th-16th, Prague, Czech Republic : Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic : WoodEMA, 2023, 231-235., ISSN(онлайн) 978-953-8446-01-6 / Scopus / Линк
Статия 2023
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna, Varna : Union of Scientists - Varna, 12, 2023, 1, 104-111., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / DOI 10.56065/IJUSV-ESS/2023.12.1.104 / Линк
Статия 2022
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, Varna : Economic Sciences Series, 11, 2022, 3, 179-188., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / Линк
Статия 2022
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, Varna : Union of Scientists - Varna, 11, 2022, 1, 27-36., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / Линк
Учебник 2021
Варна : Наука и икономика, 2021, 266.
Статия 2021
Научни трудове. Аграрен университет - Пловдив [Ролята на фамилния бизнес за устойчиво развитие = The Role of Family Business for Sustainable Development : Научна конференция, 19 март 2021], Пловдив : Акад. изд. на Аграр. унив. - Пловдив, 63, 2021, 1, 57-68. / Линк
Overview of all publications