University of Economics – Varna

International Tourist Business

Degree: Master

Type of education: Part-time, Distance learning, Full-time, Part-time (January Admission), Full-time (January Admission), Distance learning (January Admission)

Number of semesters: 2

Professional qualification: Tourism

Professional field: TOURISM

First year: 2024

Duration: 1 year; 1.5 years
Language: Bulgarian
Mode of study: Full-time

Specific courses:

  • Introduction into Tourism
  • Hotel and Restaurant Management
  • Tourism Marketing

Specialized courses:

  • Regulations of International Tourism Business
  • Hotel and Restaurant Franchising
  • Management of Touristic Destination
  • Monitoring of International Tourism Business
  • Geopolitics and Geo-strategy in Tourism
  • Change Management in Tourism Company
  • Ethno-cultural Landscape Studies
  • The language of international tourism- English (elective)
  • The language of international tourism-French (elective)
  • The language of international tourism – German (elective)
  • The language of international tourism –Russian (elective)

Expected knowledge and skills after acquiring qualification:
Graduates acquire knowledge and skill for carrying out activities, related to tourism management, scientific research in the field of tourism, consulting, touristic resources management.

Employment opportunities upon graduation:
Globalization processes, including in the sector of tourism, the need of European integrations and preservation of national interests, the boom of information and other technologies determine the following tourism fields, in which graduates find their realization: tourism management on macro-level (touristic destination); tourism management on companies level as hotels, restaurants, touristic transport agencies, tour operators and other; scientific research in the field of tourism; training and qualification in tourism; consulting and expert activities in the field of tourism, touristic resources management.

First year
Studied subjects Semester Credits Type of grading Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes Competence2
Franchising in Hotel and Restaurant Management 9 8 Exam 240 202 38 4, 6, 7
Management of the Tourist Destination 9 8 Exam 240 203 37 4, 6, 7, 8
Event Management 9 6 Exam 180 150 30 4, 6, 7, 8
9 8 Exam 240 210 30 1, 4, 5, 7
Monitoring of the International Tourist Business 10 8 Exam 240 210 30 4, 6, 7, 8
Geopolitics and Geostrategy of Tourism 10 8 Exam 240 210 30 6, 7, 8
Ethnocultural Landscape Science 10 8 Ongoing assessment 240 210 30 6, 7, 8
Electives (1)
  • Specialized Foreign Language - English
  • Specialized Foreign Language - German
  • Specialized Foreign Language - Russian
10 6 Ongoing assessment 180 150 30 1, 2, 5
Total for Specialised 0 0
Electives (1)
  • Thesis Defense
  • Comprehensive State Exam
10 15 Exam 450 450 0
Total for Graduate 0 0
Total for the entire period of study 75 2250 1995 255

Optional courses Semester Credits Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes Competence2
Foreign Language - English 10 3 90 75 15 2, 8, 1, 5
Foreign Language - German 10 3 90 75 15 2, 8, 1, 5
Foreign Language - French 10 3 90 75 15 2, 8, 1, 5
Foreign Language - Russian 10 3 90 75 15 2, 8, 1, 5
1 The course is available only to foreigners
2 Competence: 1 - Literacy, 2 - Multilingualism, 3 - Numerical, scientific and engineering skills, 4 - Digital and technology-based competences, 5 - Interpersonal skills, and the ability to adopt new competences, 6 - Active citizenship, 7 - Entrepreneurship, 8 - Cultural awareness and expression