University of Economics – Varna

Aneliya Gercheva-Nedelcheva, lecturer

 Aneliya Gercheva-Nedelcheva, lecturer
Office hours for students

Wednesday, Office 508: 17:00-19:00

Online consultations

Tuesday, Online room link:, 17:00-18:00

Pending exam dates

16 Oct 2024, Office 508: 17:00-19:00

20 Nov 2024, Office 508: 17:00-19:00

Subject Year and Programme
Content Creation and Management Year 3, ДМПР (Full-time)
English * Year 1, НИИ (Full-time)
Bulgarian Language * Year 1, МЕНИДЖ. (Full-time)
Bulgarian Language * Year 1, СА (Full-time)
Bulgarian Language * Year 1, БИЗН.ИК (Full-time)
Bulgarian Language * Year 1, СБП (Full-time)
Bulgarian Language * Year 1, СМД (Full-time)
Bulgarian Language * Year 1, БМ-АЕ (Full-time)
Bulgarian Language * Year 1, МБ-А.ЕЗ (Full-time)
Bulgarian Language * Year 1, МИО (Full-time)
Bulgarian Language * Year 1, ТУРИЗЪМ (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, МЕНИДЖ. (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, СА (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, АБ (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, БИЗН.ИК (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, НИИ (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ПИМ (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ДТБ (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ДМПР (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, МАРКЕТ. (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, СМД (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ИБП (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ЛОГИСТ. (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ИК.И Т. (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, СО (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, СФ (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ФИНАНСИ (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ССиЗ (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, МИО (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ТУРИЗЪМ (Full-time)
Commercial Correspondence * Year 2, ПА (Full-time)
Record Keeping and Legal Style Year 4, СА (Full-time)
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
16:15 19:00 H-102 Seminar Record Keeping and Legal Style 3
11:15 13:00 127Г Seminar Bulgarian Language 26, 27, 28, 30
15:15 17:00 2-311 Seminar Content Creation and Management 9
13:30 15:00 2-318 Seminar Content Creation and Management 10
13:30 15:00 H-103 Seminar Bulgarian Language 1, 3, 5, 7, 13
Type Year Publication
Доклад 2020
Икономическа наука, образоване и реална икономика: развитие и взаимодействие в дигиталната епоха : Юбилейна международна научна конференция в чест на 100-год. от основаването на ИУ - Варна, Варна : Наука и икономика, 4, 2020, 689 - 700.
Доклад 2013
// Науч. конф. на младите науч. работници : 2013 : Сб. докл. - Варна : Унив. изд. Наука и икономика, 2013, с. 329 - 334.
Доклад 2013
// Езиковото обучение днес - защо, за кого и как : Сб. докл. от кръгла маса, 2013 г. - Варна : Унив. изд. Наука и икономика, 2013, с. 78 - 84.
Учебно помагало 2012
- Варна : Унив. изд. Наука и икономика, 2012. - 216 с.
Доклад 2011
// Науч. конф. на младите науч. работници : 2011 : Сб. докл. - Варна : Унив. изд. Наука и икономика, 2011, с. 240 - 248.
Overview of all publications