University of Economics – Varna

Assist. Prof. Valentina Sofronieva

Assist. Prof. Valentina Sofronieva

Assist. Prof. Valentina Sofronieva

Subject Year and Programme
Principles of Law Year 1, МЕНИДЖ. (Full-time)
Principles of Law Year 1, АБ (Full-time)
Principles of Law Year 1, СБП (Full-time)
Principles of Law Year 1, ДМПР (Full-time)
Principles of Law Year 1, СМД (Full-time)
Principles of Law Year 1, ИБП (Full-time)
Principles of Law Year 1, БИЗН.ИК (Full-time)
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
13:30 15:00 222 Seminar Principles of Law 2
15:15 17:00 304 Seminar Principles of Law 4
09:15 11:00 127В Seminar Principles of Law 48
16:15 18:00 222 Seminar Principles of Law 1
09:15 11:00 306 Seminar Principles of Law 9
13:30 15:00 127В Seminar Principles of Law 7
16:15 18:00 312 Seminar Principles of Law 14
09:15 11:00 319 Seminar Principles of Law 5
11:15 13:00 232 Seminar Principles of Law 13