University of Economics – Varna

Assist. Prof. Yavor Nikolov

Assist. Prof. Yavor Nikolov

Assist. Prof. Yavor Nikolov



Office hours for students

Monday, Office 413: 11:00-12:00

Online consultations

Tuesday, Online room link:, 10:00-11:00

Pending exam dates

19 Mar 2025, Office 413: 11:15-12:15

Subject Year and Programme
Management of the Investment Process * Year 3, НИИ (Full-time)
Real Estate Management Year 3, НИИ (Full-time)
Real Estate Management * Year 3, НИИ (Distance learning)
Local Government and Self-government * Year 4, НИИ (Full-time)
Local Government and Self-government * Year 4, ПИМ (Full-time)
Investment and the Investment Process Year 4, БИЗН.ИК (Full-time)
Economic Principles of Real Estate Year 2, НИИ (Full-time)
Real Estate Sales Management * Year 3, НИИ (Full-time)
Cadastre and Property Register Year 3, НИИ (Full-time)
Management of Closed-type Residential Complexes Year 3, НИИ (Full-time)
Management of Closed-type Residential Complexes * Year 3, НИИ (Distance learning)
Sustainable Urban Development * Year 4, НИИ (Full-time)
Territory Planning Year 3, ПИМ (Full-time)
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
13:30 16:00 2-317 Seminar Investment and the Investment Process 5
16:15 18:00 2-217 Seminar Cadastre and Property Register 6
11:15 13:00 2-317 Seminar Management of Closed-type Residential Complexes 6
09:15 11:00 H-206 Seminar Territory Planning 7
13:30 15:00 H-206 Seminar Economic Principles of Real Estate 6
11:15 13:00 2-317 Seminar Real Estate Management 6
Type Year Publication
Доклад 2016
Научна конференция на младите научни работници, Варна: Наука и икономика, 2016, 86 - 94.
Доклад 2015
Строително предприемачество и недвижима собственост: Сборник с доклади от 30-та международна научно-практическа конференция, Варна: Наука и икономика, 2015, 219 - 229.
Доклад 2014
Строително предприемачество и недвижима собственост: Сборник с доклади от 29-та международна научно-практическа конференция, Варна: Наука и икономика, 2014, 166 - 176.
Доклад 2013
Строително предприемачество и недвижима собственост: Сборник с доклади от 28-ма международна научно-практическа конференция, Варна: Наука и икономика, 2013, 286 - 293.
Overview of all publications