University of Economics – Varna

Chief Assist. Prof. Tsvetomir Manolov, PhD

Chief Assist. Prof. Tsvetomir Manolov, PhD

Chief Assist. Prof. Tsvetomir Manolov, PhD


Office hours for students

Friday, Office 526: 08:00-09:00

Monday, Office Виртуална стая за консултации 15:00-16:00

Pending exam dates

18 Oct 2024, Office 303: 09:15-11:00

06 Dec 2024, Office 303: 09:15-11:00

Subject Year and Programme
Financial Analysis * Year 4, СО (Full-time)
Financial Analysis Year 4, СФ (Full-time)
Financial Analysis Year 5, СК-3 сем.
Financial Analysis * Year 6, СК-ДНДО
Accounting of Budget Enterprises * Year 4, СО (Full-time)
Analysis of Creditworthiness Year 3, СФ (Full-time)
Taxation Year 5, СК
Taxation Year 6, СК-ДНДО
Year 5, СК
Real Estate Financing Year 4, НИИ (Full-time)
Project Monitoring And Audit Year 5, УП-СНУ
Economics of the Enterprise Year 2, СМД (Full-time)
Economics of the Enterprise Year 2, СО (Full-time)
Economics of the Enterprise Year 2, СФ (Full-time)
Economics of the Enterprise Year 2, ФИНАНСИ (Full-time)
Economics of the Enterprise Year 2, ИКН (Full-time)
Economics of the Enterprise Year 2, МУТ (Full-time)
Economics of the Enterprise Year 2, ПА (Full-time)
Marketing * Year 2, ФИНАНСИ (Full-time)
Tax and Legal Regulation of Real Estate Operations * Year 5, СПНС
Tax and Legal Regulation of Real Estate Operations * Year 5, СПНС-СНУ
Tax and Legal Regulation of Real Estate Operations * Year 6, СПНС-ДНДО
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
11:15 13:00 306 Seminar Economics of the Enterprise 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 39
13:30 15:00 433 Seminar Economics of the Enterprise 36, 37
16:15 19:00 2-226 Seminar Financial Analysis 20
13:30 16:00 2-132 Seminar Financial Analysis 1 20
08:15 10:00 2-220 Seminar Analysis of Creditworthiness 21
11:15 13:00 2-221 Seminar Analysis of Creditworthiness 20
13:30 16:00 2-228 Seminar Real Estate Financing 6
2025-01-31 (Friday)
08:15 13:00 221 Lecture Financial Analysis 36
13:30 16:00 H-207 Lecture Project Monitoring And Audit 10
2025-02-01 (Saturday)
11:15 13:00 128 Seminar Taxation 6
13:30 16:00 128 Seminar Taxation 7, 47
16:15 19:00 128 Seminar 6, 7
2025-02-04 (Tuesday)
09:15 11:00 312 Lecture Financial Analysis 36
11:15 13:00 312 Seminar Financial Analysis 36
13:30 15:00 312 Seminar Taxation 6
15:15 17:00 312 Seminar Taxation 7, 47
2025-02-05 (Wednesday)
08:15 11:00 232 Lecture Financial Analysis 36
13:30 16:00 H-206 Lecture Project Monitoring And Audit 10
16:15 18:00 221 Seminar Taxation 6
2025-02-06 (Thursday)
08:15 11:00 H-207 Lecture Project Monitoring And Audit 10
13:30 16:00 223 Seminar Financial Analysis 36
17:15 19:00 220 Seminar 6, 7
2025-02-07 (Friday)
11:15 13:00 221 Lecture Financial Analysis 36
13:30 15:00 221 Seminar Financial Analysis 36
15:15 18:00 220 Seminar 6, 7
18:15 19:00 220 Seminar Taxation 7, 47
2025-02-08 (Saturday)
09:15 11:00 128 Seminar Taxation 7, 47
11:15 13:00 128 Seminar Taxation 6
13:30 16:00 205 Lecture Project Monitoring And Audit 10
16:15 17:00 205 Seminar Project Monitoring And Audit 10
2025-02-11 (Tuesday)
08:15 11:00 222 Lecture Financial Analysis 36
13:30 15:00 221 Seminar Taxation 7, 47
15:15 18:00 221 Seminar Taxation 6
2025-02-12 (Wednesday)
07:30 10:00 220 Seminar 6, 7
13:30 16:00 H-206 Seminar Project Monitoring And Audit 10
16:15 18:00 312 Seminar Financial Analysis 36
2025-02-13 (Thursday)
10:15 13:00 312 Seminar Financial Analysis 36
15:15 19:00 H-207 Seminar Project Monitoring And Audit 10
2025-02-14 (Friday)
08:15 10:00 232 Seminar Taxation 6
10:15 13:00 232 Seminar Taxation 7, 47
13:30 16:00 223 Seminar Financial Analysis 36
2025-02-15 (Saturday)
09:15 11:00 H-214 Seminar Taxation 7, 47
11:15 13:00 128 Seminar Taxation 6
15:15 19:00 323 Seminar 6, 7
Programme Subject Year Group Room Date Hour
Date Hour Room Notes
18.02.2025 08:00 - 10:00 eLearn
18.02.2025 10:00 - 12:00 Н-208
19.02.2025 08:00 - 10:00 eLearn
19.02.2025 10:00 - 12:00 Н-208
Date Hour Room Notes