University of Economics – Varna

Logistics Management

Degree: Master

Type of education: Distance learning, Full-time, Distance learning (January Admission), Full-time (January Admission)

Number of semesters: 2

Professional qualification: Economics

Professional field: ECONOMICS

First year: 2024

Duration: 1 year; 1.5 years
Language: Bulgarian
Mode of study: Full-time

Specific courses:

  • Supply and Production Logistics
  • Distribution and Logistics
  • Information Logistics

Specialized Subjects:

  • Logistic System Management
  • Management of Relations with Suppliers and Customers
  • Controlling Logistics
  • International Logistics
  • Supply Chains Management
  • Sustainable Development and Green Logistics
  • Master Semester
  • E-logistics (elective)
  • Trade Logistics (elective)
  • Duties and Custom Policy (elective)

Expected knowledge and skills after acquiring qualification:
Students acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge in order to effectively manage real processes in companies, the national economy and on international level, related to the movement and transforming of materials and accompanying information, financial and other flows – incoming supply, internal transforming of products and services in production or operations, and external distribution in their unity as a logistics process.
Students gain practical skills to manage the processes in supple chains from the source of material flows to end users, taking into account the impact of logistics on the environment; to integrate all operations with the material and accompanying flows within and outside the boundaries of logistics system; to organize, develop and implement systems of logistics controlling in organizations and to manage logistics system through the use of controlling concept; to regulate two-way connection of logistics with corporate strategy as a source of competitive advantage and the interaction of logistics with other functional areas.

Employment opportunities upon graduation:
Graduates can occupy various positions in the organizational management in all sector of economy – manufacturing companies, trade companies, export-import, transport, shipping, warehousing and consulting firms, and also in organization in service sector (including non-profit organizations and military organizations). Specialists in logistics perform integrated management of activities in the field of supply, distribution, client services, shipping, transport activity, corporate and public warehouse and other. Moreover, they are prepared to continue their education and acquire the educational and scientific degree “Doctor” and to realize in science, and also to work as teachers and lecturer in secondary schools and universities.

First year
Studied subjects Semester Credits Type of grading Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Management of Logistics Systems 9 8 Exam 240 228 12
Supplier and Customer Relationship Management 9 8 Exam 240 228 12
Controlling in Logistics 9 6 Exam 180 168 12
International Logistics 9 8 Exam 240 225 15
Master Degree Seminar 10 8 Exam 240 234 6
Sustainable Development and Green Logistics 10 8 Exam 240 228 12
10 8 Exam 240 225 15
Electives (1)
  • E-Logistics
  • Trade Logistics
10 6 Exam 180 168 12
Total for Specialised 0 0
Electives (1)
  • Thesis Defense
  • Comprehensive State Exam
10 15 Exam 450 450 0
Total for Graduate 0 0
Total for the entire period of study 75 2250 2154 96

Optional courses Semester Credits Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Foreign Language - English 10 3 90 84 6
Foreign Language - German 10 3 90 84 6
Foreign Language - French 10 3 90 84 6
Foreign Language - Russian 10 3 90 84 6
1 The course is available only to foreigners