University of Economics – Varna

Advertising and Media Communications

Degree: Master

Type of education: Full-time, Distance learning, Distance learning (January Admission), Full-time (January Admission)

Number of semesters: 2

Professional qualification: Economics

Professional field: ECONOMICS

First year: 2024

Duration: 1 year; 1.5 years
Language: Bulgarian
Mode of study: Full-time

Specific courses:

  • Marketing Research
  • Marketing Communications
  • Marketing Management

Specialized courses:

  • Advertising campaigns and event marketing in distribution channels
  • Creativity and conflictology in advertising
  • The language of business and media communication
  • Communications and media manipulations (elective)
  • Risk Management of Communication (elective)
  • Digital and Social Media (elective)
  • Media Politics and Regulations (elective)
  • Ethical principles and rules in advertising
  • Computer technologies in advertising and media communications
  • Advertising Engineering and Design
  • Master Seminar

Expected knowledge and skills after acquiring qualification:
The graduated students improve their knowledge and skills to manage promotional activities and improve communication in companies. They can use more efficient the communication marketing channels.

Employment opportunities upon graduation:
The graduates of educational qualification degree "Master" in "Advertising and media communications" major eventuate in the following areas:

  • as functional professionals, in specialized advertising and media agencies, media, and also in business organizations, regardless of their industry affiliation, such as industrial, commercial, construction, etc., Incl. and non-profit organizations;
  • as researchers and analysts in the advertising and media industry;
  • as senior professionals in the advertising and media industry of middle and senior management levels;
  • as design-professionals and managers of advertising and media campaigns.
First year
Studied subjects Semester Credits Type of grading Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Master Degree Seminar 9 8 Ongoing assessment 240 180 60
Event Marketing and Advertising Campaigns in Distribution Channels 9 8 Exam 240 165 75
Content Management in Advertising Communications 9 8 Exam 240 180 60
Planning and Evaluation of Advertising and Media Communications 9 6 Exam 180 120 60
Computer Technology in Advertising and Media Communications 10 8 Exam 240 165 75
Advertising Engineering and Design 10 8 Exam 240 165 75
Legal and Ethical Principles in Advertising and Media Communications 10 8 Exam 240 180 60
Electives (1)
  • Communication and Media Manipulation
  • Digital and Social Media
  • Creativity and Visual Communications
10 6 Exam 180 135 45
Total for Specialised 0 0
Electives (1)
  • Thesis Defense
  • Comprehensive State Exam
10 15 Exam 450 450 0
Total for Graduate 0 0
Total for the entire period of study 75 2250 1740 510

Optional courses Semester Credits Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Foreign Language - English 10 3 90 60 30
Foreign Language - German 10 3 90 60 30
Foreign Language - French 10 3 90 60 30
Foreign Language - Russian 10 3 90 60 30
1 The course is available only to foreigners