University of Economics – Varna

Marketing And Brand Management

Degree: Master

Type of education: Distance learning

Number of semesters: 2

Professional qualification: Economics

Professional field: ECONOMICS

First year: 2022

Duration: 1 year; 1.5 years
Language: Bulgarian
Mode of study: Full-time

Specific courses:

  • Brand Communications
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Brand Engineering
  • Digital Branding
  • Automatized Marketing
  • Creative Branding Strategies

Expected knowledge and skills after acquiring qualification:

This program aims to ensure systematic knowledge and integrated practical skills in following areas:

  • Brand research, analysis and diagnostics
  • Planning and organization of the companies’ branding processes and branding communications
  • Brand design and brand audit.

Employment opportunities upon graduation:

Graduate students have a wide range of opportunities for professional career in Bulgaria and abroad. They can pursue realization as:

  • Chief specialists and experts in brand communications, business development and brand designing
  • Research and analysis managers in brand management
  • Development-design managers in brand planning and strategies
  • Functional specialists and operating business activity performers
First year
Studied subjects Semester Credits Type of grading Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Master Degree Seminar 9 6 Ongoing assessment 180 168 12
Brand Communications 9 8 Exam 240 225 15
Brand Engineering 9 8 Exam 240 228 12
Relationship Marketing 9 8 Exam 240 228 12
Digital Branding 10 8 Exam 240 225 15
Automated Marketing 10 8 Exam 240 228 12
Creative Strategies in Branding 10 8 Ongoing assessment 240 228 12
Electives (1)
  • Marketing of Services
  • Marketing of Territories
  • Branding and Sustainable Development
  • Social and Nonprofit Marketing
  • Crisis Marketing
10 6 Ongoing assessment 180 168 12
Total for Specialised 0 0
Electives (1)
  • Thesis Defense
  • Comprehensive State Exam
10 15 Exam 450 450 0
Total for Graduate 0 0
Total for the entire period of study 75 2250 2148 102

Optional courses Semester Credits Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Foreign Language - English 10 3 90 84 6
Foreign Language - German 10 3 90 84 6
Foreign Language - French 10 3 90 84 6
Foreign Language - Russian 10 3 90 84 6
1 The course is available only to foreigners