University of Economics – Varna

Accounting and Finance

Degree: Bachelor

Type of education: Full-time

Number of semesters: 8

Professional qualification: Economics

Professional field: ECONOMICS

First year: 2022

Faculty: Faculty of Finance and Accounting
Duration: 4 years
Language: Bulgarian
Mode of study: Full-time

Specific courses:

  • Evaluation in Accounting;
  • Financial control;
  • Bank Accounting;
  • Accounting of the Budget Enterprises;
  • Managerial Accounting;
  • Financial Analysis;
  • Public finances;
  • Financial Accounting.
  • Management of Company Cash Flows;
  • Creditworthiness Analysis.

Expected knowledge and skills after acquiring qualification:
Students gain high quality training in two main groups of disciplines – accounting and finance. The main competences acquired are in the field of accounting, the elaboration of financial reports; the maintenance of financial control and analysis of the activities of the enterprise. Graduates are able to start working in the business or the public sector on different managerial positions.

Employment opportunities upon graduation:
Graduates with “Accounting and Finance” programme get the opportunity for broad professional realization in Bulgaria and abroad in trade, hotel and tourism management, construction business, transport, industrial business, agriculture, budget sphere, pension work, social activities, financial controlling system, public sector, financial institutions (banks, brokerage organizations, insurance companies and etc.), government. They can work as:

  • accountants ( incl. compilers of financial reports with the right to sign them) in all branches and activities;
  • heads of financial accounting departments;
  • financial consultants and managers;
  • experts and methodologists of accounting and auditing;
  • commissioners of audit, tax and custom inspectors;
  • specialists and consultants in Bulgarian and international accounting and control companies;
  • managers and owners of companies;
  • secondary school teachers or university lecturers in Economics.

Graduate students can apply for the qualification of “Certified Expert Accountant” or for PhD programme in higher education institutions after completing a master’s degree.

First year
Studied subjects Semester Credits Type of grading Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Informatics 1 9 Exam 270 195 75
Microeconomics 1 9 Exam 270 195 75
Physical Education 1 1 Ongoing assessment 30 0 30
Applied Mathematics 1 9 Exam 270 195 75
Electives (1)
  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Russian
  • Bulgarian Language
1 3 Ongoing assessment 90 60 30
Management 2 8 Exam 240 165 75
Macroeconomics 2 8 Exam 240 165 75
Physical Education 2 1 Ongoing assessment 30 0 30
Principles of Law 2 8 Exam 240 165 75
Electives (1)
  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Russian
  • Bulgarian Language
2 3 Ongoing assessment 90 60 30
Accounting Theory 3 9 Exam 270 195 75
Introduction to Finance 3 9 Exam 270 195 75
Physical Education 3 1 Ongoing assessment 30 0 30
Marketing 3 8 Exam 240 165 75
Electives (1)
  • Labour Economics
  • Career Development
  • Economic Psychology
  • European Studies
  • Philosophical Culture
  • Business History
  • Commercial Correspondence
3 4 Exam 120 60 60
Physical Education 4 1 Ongoing assessment 30 0 30
Total for CORE 0 0
Academic Research 2 3 Ongoing assessment 90 60 30
Financial Accounting - Part I 4 9 Exam 270 195 75
Financial Control 5 8 Exam 240 165 75
Financial Accounting - Part II 5 8 Exam 240 165 75
Public Finance 5 8 Exam 240 165 75
Electives (1)
  • Forensic Accounting and Financial and Economic Analysis
  • Insurance
  • Accounting Software
  • Labour and Insurance Law
5 6 Exam 180 135 45
Accounting of Insurance and Pension Enterprises 6 7 Exam 210 135 75
Management of Company Cash Flows 6 6 Exam 180 105 75
Finance of the Enterprise 6 7 Exam 210 150 60
Electives (1)
  • Financial and Currency Estimates
  • Analysis of Creditworthiness
  • Management and Recovery of Receivables
  • Banking
6 5 Exam 150 90 60
Specialized Seminar 7 8 Exam 240 195 45
Management Accounting 7 8 Exam 240 165 75
Accounting of Banks 7 8 Exam 240 165 75
Electives (1)
  • Credit Analysis of Customers and Management of Working Capital
  • Transfer Pricing
  • Risk Management and Internal Control
  • Organization and Accounting for Employment and Social Security Relations
7 6 Exam 180 120 60
Financial Analysis 8 5 Exam 150 75 75
Accounting of Budget Enterprises 8 5 Exam 150 75 75
Valuation in Accounting 8 5 Exam 150 75 75
Information Systems and Technology in Accounting 8 5 Exam 150 120 30
Total for Special 0 0
University specialised
Introduction to Statistics 4 9 Exam 270 195 75
Electives (1) 4 6 Exam 180 120 60
Electives (1) 4 6 Exam 180 120 60
Total for University specialised 0 0
Practical Training 6 8 Exam 240 240 0
Total for Practical 0 0
Electives (1)
  • Thesis Defense
  • Comprehensive State Exam
8 10 Exam 300 300 0
Total for Graduate 0 0
Total for the entire period of study 247 7410 5145 2265

Optional courses Semester Credits Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Foreign Language - English 3, 4, 5 3, 3, 3 270 180 90
Foreign Language - German 3, 4, 5 3, 3, 3 270 180 90
Foreign Language - French 3, 4, 5 3, 3, 3 270 180 90
Foreign Language - Russian 3, 4, 5 3, 3, 3 270 180 90
Foreign Language - Portuguese 3, 4, 5 3, 3, 3 270 180 90
Bulgarian Language 1 3, 4, 5 3, 3, 3 270 180 90
Administrative and Legal Service 5 3 90 60 30
Physical Education 5, 6, 7 1, 1, 2 120 0 120
Business Culture and Traditions 6 3 90 60 30
Taxation and taxation process 7 3 90 60 30
1 The course is available only to foreigners