University of Economics – Varna

Lecture "Why Rule of Law Matters"

The Department of Law at the University of Economics – Varna and the US Embassy in the Republic of Bulgaria organize a lecture on a topic "Why the Rule of Law Matters"

Speaker: Jessica Kim, Permanent Legal Adviser to the US Department of Justice for Bulgaria and Romania and US Federal Prosecutor

The lecture will take place on May 12, 2021 by videoconference

The lecture will provide an opportunity to discuss and present the views of students, as well as to compare their views with the specifics of the Anglo-Saxon legal system and specifically US law.

The event is designed for foreign language students studying legal disciplines during their studies, Erasmus+ students, as well as for anyone interested in the subject.

Working language of the lecture and discussions - English.

Coordinates for the lecture on the Zoom platform

Topic: Virtual Guest Lecture for University of Economics – Varna

Time: May 12, 2021 03:00 PM Sofia

Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 161 804 6666

Passcode: 900359

05 May 2021
