University of Economics – Varna

2nd International Staff Week under the Erasmus+ Programme

The University of Economics – Varna organises its 2nd International Staff Week under the Erasmus+ programme. The event will take place from 21st to 25th June 2021 and will be moderated by the International Relations Office.

The week, which already had its first successful edition in 2019 with the participation of 13 representatives from 8 countries, is dedicated to continuing the tradition of strengthening and coordinating existing contacts with selected experts and coordinators from the International Departments of European and Partner Universities working under the Erasmus+ programme, as well as creating new links and exchange of ideas when working on the Erasmus+ programme.

The programme of the Staff Week contains workshops, networking activities, opportunities for sharing best practices among colleagues from a wide range of countries as well as a cultural programme.

The expectations are for even greater interest in the event, especially after the excellent feedback from the participants in the previous edition of the forum:

“It was one of the best Staff Weeks I’ve ever taken part in. Great organization!”

“It was more than perfect, very informative and interesting.”

“Amazing Staff Week, excellent job!”

04 Feb 2021
