University of Economics – Varna

2024/2025 Opening Ceremony at University of Economics – Varna

2024/2025 Opening Ceremony
17 Sep 2024 10:00

The 2024/2025 Opening Ceremony will be held on 17 Sep (Tuesday) at 10 am at the Aula. The ceremony will wrap up with a concert of the Music Secondary School in Varna.

On September 16 and 17 2024 first-year students are welcome to get to know their university during the specially organised INFO DAYS.

After the opening ceremony on 17 Sep, they will get their student IDs.

The Student Council at University of Economics – Varna welcomes first-year students with a surprise event. Students will get more details about it on 16 Sep at the first INFO Day.

Classes for second-year, third-year and fourth-year students start on 17 Sep 2024.

Live Streaming

27 Aug 2024
